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Maddie and Chase were going to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with his mom, stepdad, Griffin, Rylie and Ethan. Chase's mom also invited Maddie's parents to spend Thanksgiving with them. Maddie's parents went down a few days earlier to help prepare for Thanksgiving. Maddie and Chase left the day before Thanksgiving because they had to work. Maddie, Chase and Milo drove to Florida it's was a long drive with a puppy. Jen and Pam have been helping them plan, so they've been doing a lot the planning this week and couldn't wait to show Maddie and Chase what they've done. Maddie and Chase arrived in Florida and were exhausted because they worked during the day. Jen was so excited to have them home for the holidays and to see Milo because she hasn't met him in person yet. Maddie was exhausted and all she wanted to do was go to sleep. Chase went upstairs with Maddie while she got ready for bed, he planned on going back down to talk to his mom and Pam about wedding plans. Chase cuddled with Maddie because they haven't had a moment to themselves because of work and being on different schedules. Maddie laid her head on Chase's chest and they both passed out. Milo was downstairs being spoiled from memaw and grandma Cline. Thanksgiving morning Maddie, Chase and Milo woke up before everyone in the house. Maddie looked at Chase and said
" do you want to go on a walk with Milo and I?"
Sure thing baby. Chase said.
Maddie, Chase and Milo went for a walk around the neighborhood holding hands and just smiling at each other. Chase kissed Maddie on the cheek and they both smiled and Maddie says "I love you Chase"
They both walk in the door at this point everyone was up. Rylie said "there's the two lovebirds. Chase you said you were coming back down last night, but you never did what happened?" Sorry Rylie I didn't realize how exhausted I actually was, Chase said. Mark and Pam knew they've been working long hours by they usually try to come over one night for dinner and they haven't been in the past 2 weeks.
Chase's family has a tradition where every Thanksgiving morning they go to the park and play football as a family. While at the park to play football Jen got a surprise from Evan, his girlfriend Anna and their puppy. She didn't think they'd be coming home for Thanksgiving because of Covid. Jen had her whole family together for the holidays, she was so happy. Maddie, Rylie, and Anna were on a team and Chase, Evan, Ethan and Griffin were on the a team. Griffin threw the ball, Maddie caught it and started running until Chase got her and wrapped his arms around her as they both fell to the ground. They got up and Chase kissed Maddie and said "I love you Mads!" Maddie kissed him back and looked into his eyes. Rylie says "okay thats enough you two, can we finish playing?" They finished playing and went back home. Maddie, Jen, Pam, Rylie and Anna helped prepare dinner while the guys sat on the couch and watched football. Chase gets up to get a drink then comes over to Maddie puts his hands on her hips, kisses her neck and whispers in her ear "you look hot in that apron 😉" Maddie smiled and turned around to kiss him. Jen was so happy to have her all her kids together and her new family with the Cline's. After dinner Maddie and Chase went for a walk with Milo. They came back from their walk and went upstairs to lay in bed and just relax. They laid in bed cuddling and kissing when knock knock "come in" said Chase
Rylie opens the door and says "sorry to bother you guys, but Maddie did you still want to go Black Friday Shopping with me." Maddie looked at Chase then looked back at Rylie "Yes that sounds like fun." While the girls went shopping, Jen and Pam talked about wedding plans, Chase spent the evening watching football with Mark, Dave and his brothers. Maddie, Rylie and Anna didn't get back until 1am and everyone was asleep in the house. Maddie went to the bedroom put one Chase's shirts on and climbed in bed. Milo was laying in between them, she leaned over to give Chase a kiss causing him to stir and Milo to jump down off the bed. Chase turned over to her and said "hey babe how was it." Shhhh we'll talk in the morning I'm exhausted. Maddie said as Chase grabbed Maddie and kissed her passionately. Chase woke up early with Milo since Maddie didn't home until after 1. He took Milo out and made some coffee. Maddie woke up just in time to say goodbye to her parents. Chase stopped Maddie as she went to go make some coffee "babe lets go downtown and I'll take you to my favorite coffee spot" Chase said.
They came back from downtown Orlando and just relaxed on the couch with Milo in their lap. Jen walks in and says "wow I might need a bigger house since this family is constantly growing. One day I'll have grand babies running around the house during the holidays, but for now I'll settle for the grand dogs." Chase and Maddie looked and each other and smiled. Maddie whispered to Chase "is your mom trying to drop some hints" Chase laughed. Jen sat with Maddie and Chase and told them some of the plans for the wedding. Maddie wanted a beach wedding in Charleston and the reception at the country club.
The next day.....
Maddie and Chase packed up the car and drove home 6 hours with Milo. Maddie loved going to Chase's moms, but she missed being in her own bed. They arrived home and after being in the car for 6 hours Chase unpacked the car while Maddie took Milo on a walk and let him play in the dog park.

Sorry this was long next will be her BIRTHDAY and Christmas......
Let me know what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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