Chapter 3

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I don't remember how many beers that I've drank. Usually, I'm not in the bar this long. The most that I can usually drink is one or two bottles of beer before I end up leaving with a girl. However, tonight, Forth has kept the girls back and I'm able to actually enjoying myself. I wasn't sure about this at first, but I'm glad that I came.

I take another drink of my beer.

Oh, is the room spinning? I think I need to stop drinking.

My attention is pulled to Kit as he pouts and whines, "Pha, I want to dance. Beam won't dance with me. Come on."

Oh, I think Kit has had too much to drink too. However, his flushed face and pout make him look really cute.

I wave my hand around in the air and chuckle. "Oh, Kitty!! You can't tell me that there isn't someone in here that will dance with you. You will be safe. Forth has told them that they can't touch us."

Lam suddenly pipes up. "Well..."

However, Forth quickly cuts him off. "That is right. I said that they were protected."

I smile. "See, Kitty. You are fine." Before he can stop me, I stand up and shout, "HEY!!! Kitty wants to dance. Does anyone want to dance with our Kitty?"

Flustered Kit stands up and tries to pull me back down to my seat, while I swat his hands away. Kit hisses, "Beam! Stop it! I don't..."

"I'd love to dance with Kitty. He is just like a fierce little kitty cat."

Kit and I both turn towards the voice. While Kit begins to shake his head no, I push Kit backwards towards the tall handsome guy. "See, Kitty. I found someone for you to dance with."

The guy gently takes Kit's arm and guides him around the chair. "Don't worry. I won't bite. By the way, my name is Ming."

Kit tries to push Ming's hands away. "No. I've decided that I don't want to dance. That is all right."

Kit looks back at me and tries to plead with his eyes for me to save him. However, I just smile and wave. "Have fun."

As I sit back down, Pha looks at me and calmly says, "I don't think that Forth actually told his gang that Kit and I would be protected too. I think he only had made that order for you. However, I'm hoping that his gang will not try to do anything to us."

What is he talking about?

I smile and wave my hand in the air while shaking my head. "No. Forth said that we all are protected, so don't worry."

With a blank expression, Pha looks at me and then glances over to Forth before he looks back at me. After a few moments of him staring at me, he finally sighs and takes another drink of his beer.

I smile to rejoice my victory and take another drink of my beer.

I'm happy that I talked everyone into coming out and hanging with Forth tonight.


Ugh... My head is pounding. I definitely think that I drank too much.

I slowly open my eyes and try to reach for my phone. However, I can't find it. I don't remember having this big of a pillow.


The deep and groggy voice instantly snaps me wide awake. I quickly scan the room and realize that this isn't my room.

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