Chapter 9

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Forth and Beam don't leave Forth's room the following day either. Lam is still making sure to get food for them, however, no one else is allowed to come to the door. All engineering students have been told to stay away from Forth's floor.

On the other hand, at Pha's room, several of Forth's close friends and fellow head hazers have stopped by.

Knock. Knock.

Pha gets up off the couch and shakes his head. He looks around the room and wonders if he somehow changed facilities overnight. Not only is Ming still here and practically stuck to Kit, but Max, Tul and Park are also here.

Pha opens the door and sighs. He isn't surprised to see Lam standing in the hallway.

Lam doesn't say anything but tries to look into Pha's room.

Pha moves out of the way and motions for him to enter. "The rest of your gang is inside. I can assume that Beam is not coming back today."

Lam shakes his head as he walks past Pha. "No. Forth has sent out a message for everyone to stay away from his floor, thus we are all over here." Lam stops and turns his head towards Pha. "I told Forth that I would check in to make sure that you didn't attack Yo, but he said that I may need to make sure that you are all right instead."

Pha raises an eyebrow and slowly shuts his door. "Me. Forth thinks that I need to be looked after because of Yo."

Lam shrugs his shoulders and turns and walks further into the room where the others are at.

Pha stands there looking at Lam walking away and then glances over to Yo, who is smiling and giggling while sitting next to Kit on Pha's bed. What is there to be worried about with Yo? He is too cute and innocent to do anything.

Pha continues to stare at Yo for a few more moments, before he shakes his head and heads back to sit with the others.



Lam looks at his phone and without saying anything, he leaves Pha's room. Pha looks away from the laptop which has a movie playing that Pha, Yo and Kit are watching. Pha looks around the room and sighs. The room is still filled with plenty of engineering students.

Pha leans towards Max, who is sitting on the floor close to the bed. Pha nudges Max, and when Max looks at him, Pha asks, "Where is Lam going?"

Max shakes his head and turns his focus back onto the game that he is playing on his phone. "He went to get food for Forth and Beam."

At Forth's name, Yo pops up on the bed and whines, "Forth isn't even taking any time to be with me. He hasn't even eaten a meal with me since I came."

Max, still focused on his phone and the game, huffs, "If I remember right, Forth told you the last time that you came, Yo, to not surprise him again. However, here we are with you in Pha's room and pouting that you aren't spending any time with Forth."

Tul looks up from his book, that he is reading while sitting on one of the couch. "Max stop it. You know that Forth won't be happy if he finds out that you are taunting his brother."

"Damn it!" Max almost throws his phone on the ground, but he stops himself. He then turns his full attention towards Tul, before glancing over to Yo, who is sitting on the bed sulking.

Max shakes his head. "Yo, you know that Forth is busy. Even without spending the weekend with his new boyfriend, Forth wouldn't have had time to spend with you. He is a busy college student and head hazer. There is never any real free time, just like the last time that you visited."

Yo crosses his arms over his chest and huffs, "But Forth should make time for me."

Park, who is sitting on the floor in the middle of the room, puts his phone down and shake his head. He turns towards Yo. "Sorry, to break it to you, Yo, but Forth is too busy to ever do anything with his little brother. You just need to accept it."

Pha turns and looks at Yo. Pha's eyes dart to Yo's quivering lip. Yo is still cute.

Kit sits up on the bed and asks, "What are we going to do for supper? Should we all go out or do you want to order in?"

Pha looks around the room. Does he really want all these people eating in his room?

Tul closes his book and sits up straight. "Let's go out. We have all been cramped up in this room all day."

Max adds, "Then we can swing past the bar and see what is going on before we head back to our rooms."

Pha quickly nods his head. "I agree. Let's go out." He glances back over to Yo, who is still pouting, but isn't protesting the idea of going out to eat.


Throughout the meal, Pha keeps glancing at Yo, who is actually sitting right next to him. Lam's words keep running through his head, but he can't really believe them. Yo is too cute.

The night at the bar ends up just like the previous night, and Pha has to carry a drunk Yo back to his room. However, tonight, he doesn't worry about Kit too much. Kit doesn't get drunk, so he lets Kit defend himself, especially since Pha has his hands full with a drunk Yo.

Once again, Pha carries Yo back to Pha's room. Pha doesn't pay attention to Kit most of the night. Plus, Kit left early to go back to his room by himself. Kit said something about not feeling well.

Pha's feet stop in the middle of the hall when he goes to walk past Kit's door. He didn't hear what he thought he heard.

"Ahhh!!! Yes!!!! Harder!!!!! Ming!!!!"

Pha's eyes widen as he slowly turns his head towards Kit's door while still carrying Yo bridal style in his arms.

The creaking sound of the bed fills the hallway along with Kit's moans. Pha didn't think that he had to worry about Kit. Kit left the bar early, but Pha didn't pay attention to Ming. Did Ming leave early too?

As Pha tries to rack his brain and remember the events from the night, Yo wiggles in his arms and softly whines, "Pha, I'm tired."

Pha looks down at Yo. Once again, he ignores Kit's moans and the creaking sound. Pha doesn't even pay attention to Ming's voice, as Ming moans, "My KitKat!!! So good!! Yes!!!"

Pha begins to walk towards his room again. "Hold on, Yo. I'm almost there."

Pha carefully unlocks his door, while trying not to keep Yo securely in his arms. Once inside Pha's room, he shuts and locks his door before taking Yo and gently putting Yo on his bed. Pha takes Yo's shoes off and tries to make Yo feel comfortable. When Pha thinks Yo is fine, Pha turns and goes into the bathroom to get a shower.

Pha doesn't notice Yo smiling or watching Pha as Pha walks around the room. When Pha finally walks into the bathroom, Yo slowly slips off the bed and walks towards the bathroom. He listens at the door and waits until the shower is running, and it sounds like Pha is in the shower, before Yo slips into the bathroom.


Beam rests his head on Forth's bare chest as Beam slowly slides his fingers along Forth's tan skin. Beam softly asks, "Babe, are you sure that it is Pha that we should be concerned about and not the other way around?"

Forth smiles and kisses the top of Beam's head. "You are forgetting whose brother Yo is. He is my brother. He may look innocent, but he is far from it. He is sly and cunning just like me, but with a cute and adorable face to deceive you. Make no mistake. Under that innocent face lurks the heart of a tiger ready to pounce."    

Posted October 21, 2020

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