Chapter 10

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A/N:  Well, we have come to the end of another story.  I hope that you have enjoyed it.

I have to tell you that I really enjoyed writing this little story too.  I think sometimes that I had too much fun with the characters, but who am I kidding.  You can never have too much fun with them.  

Thank you for all who have read through to the end of the story.  I greatly appreciate it.  I have loved all the comments.  I hope to see you all at the next story.  ❤ ❤

If it wasn't for such amazing readers like you, I wouldn't be here writing these stories.  Thank you so much for you support.

Beam didn't make it to classes on Monday. He was still in Forth's room trying to recover from the exhausting weekend, where he proved over and over again that Forth was Beam's man.

Beam hasn't had much time to talk with Pha or Kit in the morning. They had classes the whole time. Now that it is lunch time, the three finally get a chance to eat and talk.

As the three slowly walk towards the canteen, Pha glances towards Beam and asks, "So, I'm going to assume that you proved to Forth that he is your man. By the looks of it and by your limp, you could have stop trying to prove your point. I think he got the idea."

Beam chuckles and shakes his head. "I kind of got lost in the moment, if that is even possible."

Pha and Kit chime, "Yeah. It is."

Beam tilts his head and looks at Pha and then Kit. It was only then that Beam notices that Kit is walking with a slight limp. Beam raises an eyebrow and asks, "Kitty, did something happen to you? Why are you limping?"

Kit instantly shakes his head as if he doesn't know what Beam is talking about. While Pha groans, "Ming happened."

Beam's eyes pop wide open and his mouth also falls open as he blinks a few times while now looking at Pha. Beam points to Kit, who is still silent. "You mean to tell me that Ming finally got through all of your barriers and got to our Kitty."

Pha shrugs his shoulders but keeps quiet.

Kit glares at Pha and huffs, "He was distracted by Yo. Every time that Ming would come close to me, Yo would draw his attention away. I even left early from the bar trying to get away, but I didn't expect Ming to follow me back to my room."

Beam slowly narrows his eyes and leans closer to Pha. Just as Beam begins to lean in, a gust of wind blows past them and Pha shirt is blown up a little. Beam's eyes immediately snap to the two hickeys on Pha's chest.

Beam quickly opens his shirt more and gasps as more hickeys come into view. "Pha did you devour that innocent little Yo?"

Pha slaps Beam's hands off of his shirt and snorts, "Innocent. Yo is definitely not innocent. It was more like he devoured me."

Kit in now the one whose mouth falls open as he turns and stares at Pha in shock.

Meanwhile, Beam can't help but to think about his conversation with Forth over the weekend. Beam had been pretty confident that Yo was an angel and that he would never be some tiger. However, after seeing those hickeys on Pha's chest, he has to admit that maybe Forth was right. Yo is some innocent looking tiger just waiting pounce on his prey, which clearly seems to be Pha.

When the group finally reaches the canteen, the three are surprised to find Forth, Ming and Yo waiting for them. Not only are the three waiting for them, they have already bought food for the three doctors.

With a loving smile on his face, Beam marches up to Forth and gives him a quick kiss before sitting down next to him at the table. "Hi, Babe."

Forth smiles. "Hey, baby. I missed you."

Kit slowly walks up to the table and tentatively tries to sit next to Beam, but Ming snakes his arms around Kit's waist before Kit can sit down. Ming pouts and whines, "Where is my kiss, my KitKat?" Kit snorts and tries to wiggle his way out of Ming's arms, but can't.

After a few minutes, Kit reluctantly gives Ming a quick peck on his lips. "There is that better?"

A smile instantly pops on Ming's face as he nods his head. "Yes. Much better."

Pha slowly walks up to Yo. Just as Pha goes to open his mouth to say something, Yo grabs Pha's tie and yanks Pha down. As soon as Pha's face is low enough, Yo captures Pha's lip in a passionate kiss.

Forth smiles and motions his head towards Pha and Yo, as he whispers into Beam's ear. "I told you that my brother was a tiger silently waiting to pounce on someone. I believe that he has found his someone. I just hope Pha is ready for what he has coming."

Shocked, Beam stares at Pha and Yo, as Yo continues to devour Pha's lips not letting Pha out of Yo's grasp. Beam slowly replies, "I think you are right."

Forth chuckles. "Do you know where Yo is taking Pha after they eat lunch?"

With Beam still staring at Pha and Yo, as Yo continues to devour Pha's lips, Beam shakes his head. "No. Where are they going?"

Forth leans into Beam's ear and whispers, "To go get phones. To be correct. Couple phones."

Posted October 21, 2020

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