2 years ago

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You were 11 when your parents started having trouble. Your dad is an alcohol and Drug addict since you were 9 years old. Your mom was the one who raised you and your two twin sisters Rose and Melody ( 4 years old ). Your mom is doing her best trying to raise you and your two sisters as well as your help with her. You also have a part-time job to help out with rent and any other thing that your mom can't afford while your dad goes out and comes back at 3:00 to 5:00 in the morning getting drunk or selling pills or anything he has on the sidewalk in the morning. But before you know it your life starts to go downhill very very fast !!!

( The next day )

You wake up at 5 in the morning to yelling. I first go to make sure my sisters are okay and still asleep. ( Luckily they are heavy sleepers I whisper to myself). I stuck my head out into the hall to listen. I wonder my curious but Sleepy self down the stairs not trying to cause attention to myself and make sure I don't get caught by anyone.

I wander down until I can hear them enough so I can eavesdrop on their conversation.

Mom: " You have an addiction and you need to stop. It is getting out of hand and you come back at 3 or even later when u are supposed to be in bed with your family. You come back drunk and I have to take care of you this household and the kids and Aliyah is helping me as much as she can she has a job at 13 years old and that isn't okay Franklin I am tired of it "

Dad: "Are you kidding me?" He asks slightly enraged. " I am perfectly fine" his tone getting louder and louder and his temper getting worse and worse

Mom: "No your not " As she rolls her eyes as she is annoyed at your father's behavior. "And hush before you wake up the girls"

Dad: "F*** this and the girls you suck and I am over this if I am such as bad father maybe I shouldn't be in their lives or they shouldn't be alive." "Especially the oldest one Aliyah" ( As he says this as he slapped mom and hee skin is red and irritated and she is crying.)

( My POV ) : I run down as fast as I can. I hear my mom crying and I called 911 they are on their way. I tell my mom in a gentle but quiet voice that " I am sorry and you don't deserve this type of treatment"

( Fast forward a few months )

Aliyah: I am in my room. It looks like this

I get ready I wear this

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I get ready I wear this

I straightened my hair grabbed my skateboard and headed out with some friends

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I straightened my hair grabbed my skateboard and headed out with some friends. Little did I know this is when my life would have changed.

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