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"Go get ready for bed first, then I'll put the end of the game on." Will instructs his daughter as he leans against the back of his couch, looking down to her.

She gives him a slow nod as she stands up and trails off down the corridor toward her bedroom.

They had gotten back to Will's not that long ago and both Natalie and Olivia had walked him up to his apartment door. Will had invited them both in for something to drink but Natalie had said she had to get back home to make sure Owen hadn't burned the place down, however before her and Livvy could leave Livvy asked if she could stay to watch the end of the Blackhawks game she had missed the night before. After a small discussion between Will and Natalie over the subject, they both allowed Olivia to stay with Will, and that he would drop her off back at Natalie's the next morning.

She had watched the first half of it as it was on the night before, whilst taking on the phone with her father as she did, but Nat had sent her off to bed before she could watch the end.

Will watches Olivia enter her room before he sits down on the couch to set the game up, knowing he had recorded it as it aired. It doesn't take long to do that, so once that's done he decides he might as well put his phone on charge while he waited for his daughter to change.

He gets back up from the couch, finding his phone in his jacket he had slung over the back of one of the dining room chairs before he took it through into his own bedroom, putting it on charge and on his bedside table. He leaves the room simultaneously to Olivia, who was now changed ready for bed.

They both go back into the living room, Olivia making her way straight toward the couch and sitting down as Will goes into the kitchen to get a snack for his daughter because he knew she'd ask for one in the next ten minutes.

Olivia furrows her brows as she looks over her shoulder to see what her father was doing. "You didn't watch the end of it yesterday did you?"

Will shakes his head as he lifted it up from the cabinet. Before he spoke he threw the bag of chips in her direction, catching her by surprise. He held back a chuckle as it narrowly missed Olivia's face, skimming past her cheek and landing on the floor. He apologises sharply as Livvy retrieves the packet. "No, I didn't. I turned it off as soon as you said you had to go to bed."

Olivia looks to Will with narrowed eyes, slightly raising a single eyebrow. "Really?"

Will cracks as smile as he joins her on the couch. "Okay, I may have watched another five minutes after you left but then I switched it off."

She nods. "I thought so." She mumbles, leaning into the couch further, waiting for Will to put the game on. After a moment of silence, she looks up to her father with a confused look. "Dad, everything okay?" She asks curiously.

Will nods, turning to face his daughter with straight brows. "Can I talk to you about something before I put the game on?"

Olivia shifts in her seat, moving so that she was sat sideways on the couch in order to face her father completely. "Yeah."

A beat passes before Will nods once again, taking his cue to start. "About earlier," he begins, seeing Livvy tense up slightly as he assumes she knows what he's about to talk about, "Why didn't you hear him out?"

Olivia sighs, moving back to sitting on the couch properly again. She shakes her head slowly. "I already know what happened, I don't need to hear it from him too."

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