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As soon as Will entered the district, Trudy was already beginning to lean on the desk to talk to him, basically moving the cops in front of her out of the way to be able to look to the red-head.

"He's upstairs." She says, pointing Will in the direction of the stairs leading up to the intelligence bullpen.

Will nods and gives the desk sergeant a small smile as he begins jogging up the stairs, taking two at a time and being buzzed in almost immediately after he reached the steel bars, swinging the gate open and continuing the two steps at a time jog up the stairs and around the corner on to the bullpen.

When he rounds the corner and gets high enough in the stairs he spots his brother sat at one of the desks on the two closest to Voight's office with his back to the stairs. He had been up here enough times to know his brother wasn't currently sat at his own desk - rather Hailey's.

Will slows his pace, moving to just walking across the bullpen floor, not saying anything until he got relatively close to the joint desks.

"Platt said you hadn't gone home yet, and that everyone else went home hours ago," he begins before coming to a stop a few steps away from the desk, "She also says you guys haven't got a case and that there's no reason for you to still be here, so how come you are still here?" He wonders.

He could see his brother fiddling with something in between his fingers, but in the lower light of the bullpen and his position he couldn't make out what the object was. There's a pause before Jay responds quietly, not looking up from his hands. "Am I a complete idiot?"

Will can't help a small smirk appear on his lips at the way he responded to his brother's mumbled question. "I hate to say it but you might need to be a little more specific."

Jay diverts his eyes up from the object he was holding but he doesn't look to his brother. "If you're just gonna make jokes and be sarcastic then you can get outta here."

Will shakes his head, moving to the side one step to try and get a better look at Jay's face. "Well you didn't call me here so I'm not leaving until I know what's going on."

Still without looking to his brother, Jay speaks up, putting his gaze back down on the object in his hands. "Am I a complete idiot about me and Hailey?"

Will steps forward, getting closer to the desk. "What are you talking about?"

This is when Jay looks up to him. He leans back in the desk chair but doesn't show off what was in his hands as he stops fiddling around with it. He turns the chair to the side so he can face Will directly. "With the whole getting married thing. Did we rush into it?"

Will's eyes widen. "You're kidding me, right?" He asks, gaining a subtle shaken head from Jay in response so he carries on, "You guys we're dating for four years before you got the ring off me, you did not rush into it."

"What about the date? Did we rush into picking a date?"

The doctor slowly shrugs his shoulders, tilting his head to one side slightly. "I mean yeah I was a little surprised when you turned around last month saying you had already picked a date because at the time you had only been engaged two months and it had taken so long for you two to get engaged, but the wedding's not for another seven months or so."

Jay cuts in sharply, looking up to him with his head basically leaning on his own shoulder. "You didn't answer my question."

Will nods, taking a breather before speaking up again. "No, I don't think you rushed into picking a date," he replies before furrowing his eyebrows and crossing his arms over his chest, "Where is all this coming from anyway."

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