Chillin on the Birthday

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The score was 59 to 57 with 12.9 seconds left in the game,

Naruto stood beside his defender, before the ball was inbounded and immediately Naruto and his defender took off with his defender trying to shake Naruto who remained by him before the teen got loose and the ball was passed to him and immediately he jumped 3ft behind the three line and made to shoot the ball but Naruto entered and slapped the ball away into JJ's hands

JJ immediately passed the ball to Naruto who landed and raced for the opposite side of the court with his assigned man racing after him. stopping quickly and spinning, Naruto tried to push for the basket but Zabuza remained between him not letting him get passed the three-point line so with a fast backstep Naruto shot the ball and as the ball sailed through the air the buzzer sounded off as everyone stood up watching in baited breath as the ball fell into the basket

Naruto held up 3 fingers as the crowd cheered and his team rushed him


Naruto groaned as his phone began to vibrate and he reached over and answered it smiling, "You had to be my first call."

"So I'm working late tonight, and Denise has a sleep-over with a friend, but I put some the fridge for you to warm up when you get home. OK?"

Naruto narrowed his eyes sitting up, "For real?" He asked

"Something wrong, honey? Oh, yeah. One more thing." Grace aaid before Naruto smiled hearing her, Coop, and Denise sing, "Happy birthday. To you Happy birthday to you-ou. We'll all be here today."

"Hey, that was cold."

"That was all Denise. And don't worry. It'll only be a family dinner, just how you like it." Grace said

"That's all I need. Ill be over that way in a little bit" Naruto said

"You know the deal." Grace said

"Yeah, go to school get all the homework and finish it by the time I go back." Naruto said


"Love you." Naruto smiled

"Check your bag."

"What?" Naruto asked walking to his backpack and reached in and pulled out a plastic container of Grace' homemade muffins, causing him to laugh, "Yo, how did you do that?"

"I love you to the moon and back. And we'll see you tonight." Grace said as a smiling Naruto hung up

Moments Later

Naruto walked down the stairs, wearing a red shirt with black long sleeves, black jeans and Air Force One's, as he munched on his muffin

"Hey, good morning." Naruto said as Olivia entered the house from her jog

"Hi. You're getting crumbs on the floor." Olivia said walking away causing Naruto to sigh seeing as its been like that since they had their moment,

"Sorry." Naruto muttered walking off and entering the kitchen and greeted Laura, and Jordan, "Morning."

"Hey Naruto, do you want some pancakes?" Laura asked as Naruto placed his muffins on the counter,

"No, ma'am. I already ate. Mom's homemade blueberry muffins." Naruto said

"Mmm. Let me get some of those." Jordan said reaching for the container but Naruto snatched it

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. You can have half, all right? Look, moms only makes these once a year. I can't be giving them away." Naruto said causing Laura to look at him as he gave Jordan half a muffin

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