Izuku's Hardship

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So let's put a mental image of what Izuku looks like out there for everyone just so you can see the difference of him from canon. Izuku stands in this at about 6 foot 5 inches(taller than Shoji who stands at 6 foot 2 inches) with a black scarf covering from his nose down to the bottom of his neck that has a variance of thickness depending on the weather outside. He'll also be very emotionless and sarcastic when he can, but won't raise a fist in anger to someone that harasses him. So he's a jackass to those that kinda deserve it, but a gentle giant in a way. Enjoy.

Izuku POV:

After leaving my house, I began walking to the train station to notice the same jackass cop that stops me and my mother when we leave to go anywhere whenever he sees us. "Hey kid!" 'I wanna tell this cop to go fuck himself so badly.' "Yes sir?" "We've got reports of stolen property in the area. You wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you?" "No officer, I don't." He kept the car at the speed I was walking while continuing to bug me. "Where you going?" "School." "What school?" "Aldera Jr. high." "Are you sure that's where you're heading?" 'No, I'm going to your ex wife's house to cork her like you should've been doing as a man!' "Yes officer. I'm going to the train station right now to buy my ticket to get there." He didn't let up all the way to the station asking me where I got the money, how my mother got the money, where she worked, and so on. When I go down the tunnel to the train, he shouts one final comment that makes me nearly lose it on him. "Have a nice day Charlotte boy!" Everyone immediately glares daggers at me for the hate put on me to be felt. 'Dick. No wonder your wife left you for another man.'

The train ride was long, annoying, and people tossing things at me just to get a reaction but I finally got to school. "Look, it's that guy." "The Charlotte guy? I wish they'd just arrest and lock him away so none of us can see him again." "Did you hear he changed his last name to Midoriya a few years back?" "No way, does he actually believe people will look at him differently if he changed his name?" "What a freak." The comments made were kinda normal to the point I lost all care for them. Sad part is, that's not even the worst part of my days. As I get near the entrance, I hear something fall to jump back and see a bunch of sour milk on the ground. "Damn, I missed!" I glanced up to see some jackasses from my class looking down at me. "Oh sorry, was that meant for me? Guess your aim sucks as much as you." I flipped them off while walking inside. As I change my shoes, I notice someone put gum on the locker to try and piss me off. I hear snickering to the side and see some girls with a superior smirk. I just take my shoes and change into them before walking to the classroom like it didn't happen.

As I sat in my desk, the teacher began walking in with a stack of papers. "Alright kids. Since you're all in your third year, you've gotta think about what you should do for your future." When he got to his desk, he threw the papers in the air and stated with a happy tone. "But who am I kidding, you all wanna become heroes!" Everyone began smiling and using their quirks except for me and Yaoyorozu. "I know you all have amazing quirks, but it's against school policy to use them indoors." Yaoyorozu closed a book she was reading to speak up. "Heroism isn't a career anyone can be in. It requires commitment and self sacrifice. Those who are in it for fame and fortune should not call themselves heroes." "Oh yeah, Yaoyorozu is given a recommendation for UA." Everyone went silent as they began praising Yaoyorozu. "Woah! That school has an extremely low entrance rate!" "Momo is amazing! She's smart, beautiful, and comes from a refined family!" "It's no wonder she's the top of our class. She's sure to be a pro." "Oh yeah, Cha-I mean Midoriya is applying for UA as well."

Everyone's awes went to dead silence for me. "Him be a hero? They'll arrest him at the gates the second he gets there." "I'd never acknowledge him as a hero." "Like he'd even get the right as a Charlotte." Everyone kept laughing at this for it to kinda bug me this time to say something. "I've got a better chance than most of you here. Even if you say I belong in jail, I've got no criminal record and all the bad rep I have is because of my family and nothing else." Nobody exactly cared and kept badmouthing me for the teacher to speak up. "Settle down everyone. And Midoriya, do keep your personal opinions to yourself." 'Fuck you jackass. You opened the door.' I sat back putting my feet up on the desk while reading from my text book.

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