Clubing part 2

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There stood the man who pined me to a wall. Cristiano. " I really don't know what you are talking about?" I said innocently. Then he started hurting me by pressing his body up hardly against mine. "Cristiano please stop. You're hurting me!" " Sorry babe but I just have to make sure you're not going to run aw--." He was cut by someone yelling at him. " HEY, puta," Cristiano turned around. "She said get off of her." Said the Lionel Messi. " Oh yea, and what are you going to do about it leprechaun" Leo threw the first punch and just kept going at him. Cristiano could barely punch him because leo was not stoping. Lionel had him on the ground when the rest of the team came and Gerard and Neymar pulled leo off of Cristiano. "What the hell happend" gerard asked. "Well Cristiano pined me up against the wall and I told him to get off me he wouldn't. then leo came to my rescue". Neymar looked so pissed off. He went to go throw a punch a Cristiano but gerard held him down. " You son of a bitch don't you dare even look at my sister again. Or I will personally drive to Madrid and kick your ass". Damn Neymar I thought. Neymar turned to leo. " Thanks leo for standing up for Justine". Neymar said. " You're welcome man". Leo patted Neymar on the back. " Oh and Cristiano called lionel a leoprecaun" I said smirking. Leo gave me a playful death glare, "WHAT!!!" Gerard said bursting out laughing. " Whatever you guys,I know I'm not a leprechaun and that's what matters." I wanted to go home but Neymar wanted to stay a little longer. " I can drive you home" leo offered. " Okay thanks, but you don't have to I can always call a cab". " Nope! I insist." He grabbed my hand and led me to his car.
When we got to the hotel I remembered something. "Shit. Neymar never gave me a key to the suite". " You can come and stay with me if you'd like" leo said. I thought about it and I guess that would be okay. " He opened his door to his suite and we walked in. " I will go get you some clothes to put on" leo came back with a pair of sweats and one of his jerseys. I go to the bathroom and change. To make sure Neymar doesn't worry about me I text him and tell him that I decided to sleep over a friends house. I walked out and leo only had some blue pajama pants on. I tried not to stare at his abdomen. He smirked at how I was looking at him. he came closer. " You know I saw what you were doing back at the club. It totally turned me on". He said. I gulped. God the things the boy does to me. " Oh and do you still feel turned on?" I ask suductivly. He comes and puts his hands on my waist and whispers in me ear. "Jump". I jump and he holds my butt and walks me over to his bed and lays me down. We start making out and then I pull away. "Goodnight leo" I say and wink at him. I crawl under the covers and leo follows. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against his chest. "You're such a tease princessa." He says. After that I slowly drift to sleep.

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