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Jungkook Pov

The light peeking through the curtains of the room was of course the typical and normal nuisance when it came to sleeping, I don't get why I never decide to close it before I go to sleep. I moved around a bit before finally opening my eyes, I almost forgot that I and hoseok shared a bed last night...

My face went hot at last night's ordeal and I couldn't help but blush at the fact that I slept with hoseok, I couldn't really remember anything before that besides the bite, us close, and that's about it. I touched the side of my neck where the bite he left was and it was most definitely sensitive and tender.

"You're up early" hoseok mumbled looking directly at me, 

"um..haha yea, the sun is kind of bothersome," I said rubbing my arm, it was really awkward since we literally just did the dirty, and now it's the next day. 

"How do you feel? I'm sorry if I went to hard on you" Hoseok said a little flustered, I shook my head "it's ok you weren't rough, if anything you were really gentle when handling me. Thank you" I said.

Hoseok laughed "don't thank me it sounds weird to do so, but it's my pleasure" he smiled.

I smiled back admiring the man in front of me, he was just as bright as the sun that lit up the room, almost ethereal and I'm not sure if maybe I missed the way he looked all this time, I can be dense every now and then or the fact that I gave him my blood and he looks healthier than before. He seems more handsome not hat he wasn't before, but even more in my eyes. 

"Breakfast out?" Hoseok asked,

"Uh sure, I kinda am starving, what about you?" I asked remembering that he can't really eat human food like that.

"Are you offering?" hoseok smirked leaning towards me.

"Well it would be kinda wrong if you're taking me out to eat and I didn't return the favor, I said looking down with heat in my cheeks and picking at the hem of my pants.

Hoseok chucked before leaning in to place a chaste kiss on my lips and making his way down to my neck, "I won't bite where its obvious like the one up there, but just below the hem of your shirt" hoseok explained, I nodded in agreement to what he said. It would really be hard to cover or even explain to anyone what happened.

Hoseok hovered over a spot between my color bone and chest, sniffing the spot and lightly kissing it. My eyes fluttered a little at that, it was like my body was reacting to his presence and I couldn't help, but feel light and feathery as his fangs grazed over my skin. eventually, he sunk his teeth into that spot eliciting a hiss then a light moan from me. I couldn't get used to the fact that it felt as if it was the first time he bit me, even when he bit me back in the club and yesterday. my hands grabbed a handful of his locks and tugged a bit. I bit my lip as he licked the wound close.

I looked up at him after he was done and I couldn't get enough of the gooey yellow glow of his eyes, it was a pretty color and it was a bit disappointing that it would go away and I couldn't admire it too much. 

"ready?" He said placing a kiss on my cheek and hopping off his bed. I smiled shaking my head before going along.


Third Pov 

later that day the two had gone to the cafe they mentioned and stayed for a couple of minutes before walking around an outlet that jungkook wanted to checkout for new sportswear for his choreo and workout routines.


Three not so happy vampires walked through a crowd of people and weren't sure why it was so packed.

"You'd think it wouldn't be so busy right now with it being later in the day?" 

"Yea, but it's rush hour so"

"I beg to differ, I agree with yoongi, it shouldn't really be so busy," Jimin said,

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the older before noticing a shop that had some outfits that piqued his interest. "Hey! Let's go there, I want to check out some clothes, im tired of dressing in all black" taehyung pouted at his attire.

"yea tae has a point, we always wear black at night which is understandable since we want to be below the radar and be less noticeable, but during the day it's not that necessary" Jimin turned to yoongi who frowned at that and rolled his eyes.

"go ahead I guess, but it's your money that you're spending" Yoongi pointed out.

"Sure, lets go tae," Jimin said grabbing the younger and running off to the said store.

Yoongi looked around to see if anything piqued his interest, but when he did..his eyes widened, mouth went into the biggest smile he has sported ever since they were separated. It couldn't be, 

It was Jin!

Yoongi Pov

I couldn't believe my eyes, it been so long, but he hasn't changed a bit and I couldn't help my legs moving on its own, all I wanted to was to have the taller older man in my grasps and hugging him like there was no tomorrow, he was an older brother to us and when he disappeared and was nowhere to be found I couldn't help, but think he was dead.

I ran so quickly and jumped onto the man, he was shocked, to say the least, but before he could retaliate he recognized me.

"Yoongi....?" he whispered, tears filling his eyes,

"Yoongi! where have you been, I've been searching for you for so long, wheres tae and jimin are they with you are they okay?!?!?" jin was frantic.

"yea, they're fine are you okay, why are you hear what happened?" I rambled on not noticing the confused taller guy nearby. When I looked up at him he seemed to be confused as to who I was and why I jumped on jin.

"" I mumbled, 

"Oh! sorry joon, this is yoongi min yoongi, he was at the orphanage I came from, and well normally there's two others tae and jimin, but im not sure where they are. yoongi, namjoon Kim namjoon, he's my boyfriend and also the person that saved me when I was separated from you guys" Jin explained with a smile.

 looked up at him eyeing him, he didn't seem like much a of threat and he must obviously know jin is a vampire judging by his bite mark and scent emanating from him.

I nodded, before getting up since it would bring attention.

"Um..we should catch up, when tae and jimin come back, you should tag along with us for now. Im afraid we might get separated again and I wont be able to find you again, we need to catch up" Jin said hugging me and I relaxed in his embrace, its been so long.

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