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Now it was your turn to comfort the big teddy bear.

What nobody really considered when looking at Gonta was that he really is a sweet boy with a big heart. But it's easier to overlook his sweet smile and kind eyes when an intimating monster is more interesting to gossip about.

That was basically the story of Gonta's life, but you didn't really know that.

All you knew was what you saw day to day.

The girls at school completely overlooked Gonta, and the guys would either jokingly square up at him or try to get a rise out of him.

The only guys who didn't really mess with Gonta too much included Gundam and a few other nice kids.

But usually the guys who didn't mess with Gonta were usually scared of him. Take mondo as an example.
Mondo likes to act tough, but really, he's terrified of confrontation.

All of that led up to this point.

Gonta tries his best to fit in using what he knows. He wants people...humans, to accept him as one of them.
Sure, he doesn't do everything perfect, but dammit, he tries his fucking best!

You followed Gonta as he exited the school building. You weren't sure where he was headed, but you were sure that he needed you. You called out for him as he darted away, but nothing slowed him down.

Finally, you realized he was going into the woods.

He knew those woods much better than you, or any other student, and you quickly lost sight of him.

Calling out for him did nothing. You sighed, your heart panging. You needed to find him. He needs you.

Blue Butterflies in my Stomach (Gonta Gokuhara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now