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(weeks later)

You stated at your pre calc homework blankly. You absolutely had no idea where to start or what steps to take whatsoever.

After 2 hours of attempts and failures along with holes in your paper from erasing too much, you realized with reddened cheeks that you needed to go to after school tutoring. You sighed deeply, embarrassment swelling up inside you.

You weren't really one to need extra help, and often objected to it when it wasn't essential. This time, you had no choice in the matter.

That afternoon after school, you sluggishly made your way to the library where all the other students would gather.

It wasn't specifically a tutoring session for pre calc, however. Basically, the program worked by pairing up students at the top of their class with students who needed extra help in whatever subject.
So students of all creeds were scattered among the desks, allowing even more eyes to Pierce through you than you previously hoped.

You sat down at an empty table with the place card 'pre calculous' to wait for an Ultimate Ultimate student to come assist you (yup, an ultimate Ultimate student lmao)

As you opened up your books, you heard an annoyingly coy voice.

"Oh, what a surprise! The lovely y/n has come to tutor us lowly peasents for some community service hours!" Kokichi announced with sarcasm lacing each and every word. You grimaced, not exactly sure what to reasond with. Wether you lied or told the truth, the small purple haired asshole would embarrass you. You sighed and explained that you weren't the tutor, rather the, ahem, tutee (lmao).

He scoffed, about to retort with some backhanded words, but his eyes squinted and a devilish grin spread across his face as he noticed something behind you.

"Oh, I see why you really came to tutor today. Have fun!" He teased, disappearing just as fast as he appeared. Confused, you returned to your studies.

You were again interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Y/n is at tutoring?!" Gonta asked himself as he approached his girlfriend. You turned around, wanting to bury yourself in your books.

"Gonta didn't know y/n loved calculus!!" He exclaimed, starry eyed. It was like he couldn't fathom you needing extra help.

"No, actually, um...Im here to be tutored," you explained. He had a slightly bewildered expression.

"Gonta here for tutoring also. He needs help with reading. Gonta no is really smart cuz he can't read too good," he replied with an insecure frown.

"But Gonta knows math pretty good!" He smiled. You were really shocked by that last bit. Gonta never really seemed like a math buff to you whatsoever.

"Gonta learned algebra by studying insect populations. He'd mark 50 beetles, release them, and catch 100 beetles and see how many had marks from before. Then Gonta would know how many beetles there were!" He explained to you. You nodded.

He plopped next to you in the uncomfortable wooden chairs provided by the library. People at the other tables were sitting on top of the tables, on the floor, or just standing. Most of them were engaging in idle chit chat or gossip, or spreading rumors that began with Kokichi.

Speak of the devil, the little purple haired prick was staring at you both now, making annoying yet subtle kissy faces.

Your eyes flashed with rage, wanting to punt the little bastard into the football field. He hadn't even done anything all that offensive to you, but his attitude made your blood boil.

"...and then you must remember to use this formula! Got it, y/n?" Gonta finished explaining question #7 on your worksheet, unaware that he wasn't being listened to.

"Wait, so what do you do again?" You asked shyly. Your boyfriend was much more patient than you, so he simply scooted closer to you and retrieved a new piece of paper so he could write out the steps for you.

You could smell his cologne now, an accessory that Kaede suggested for him when he asked her for gentlemanly tips. It was quite fitting for him, being oak-y with a hint of musk. You could drown in that scent.
The hems of his sleeves brushed up against your wrists as he wrote numbers and variables with his pencil. Gonta's handwriting was messy, but in an organized way. You could tell he was trying his best to be neat, but he still struggled with physically writing things. Reading and writing were not his forte whatsoever.

Once you put two and two together, you were able to switch roles with him and teach him a thing or two.

You both decided to help each other out with the subjects you both needed help in. You taught him grammar and pronunciation while he taught you area, the quadratic formula, and other mathematical concepts.

Blue Butterflies in my Stomach (Gonta Gokuhara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now