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Zero pulled himself away from Kaname's neck after a few moments. This time he had made sure not to get any kind of blood on the white shirt he had been given. Once he fully pulled away, his eyes had turned back to their usual lavender color. Blood ran down his face as he looked away, feeling nothing but shame throughout his body. A hand on his face caught his attention. When he looked back, he found Kaname with a towel in his other hand. The Pureblood grinned slightly and brought the towel to Zero's face, wiping it off as if he were a child. Once Zero's face was clean, he brought the towel to his own neck and returned himself to sitting on his bed.

"Remember, Zero. I'm always watching you... If I see what I saw last night again, I don't know what I'll do. You need to make sure you never fall. Not just because I'm telling you, but because Yuki would be very upset. You don't want to upset her now, do you?" Kaname's tone was sickenly sweet, and that really irked Zero more than anything. Kaname was always like that and Zero really hated it. He hated all vampires, including himself.

"Whatever... Don't concern yourself with me. If I'm lucky, my master will take me down without a second thought." Zero growled softly and turned to head out of the room. "I don't need your concern, and Yuki doesn't need me to stay alive. She'll be just fine without me, everyone would so if the day comes that I do fall, just put me out of this miserable life." He then left before Kaname could say anything else to him. He hated being a vampire, he hated all vampires. He honestly wished his old master would have finished him off that night when they were reunited at the academy, but Yuki had prevented it, along with the Headmaster.

As he made his way through the halls of the Night Class dorm, he could feel eyes on him. They were the eyes of the Aristocrats, and Kaname's followers. He knew they all hated him and how close Kaname was keeping him. Ruka and Hanabusa especially hated him, but he could care less. Once down the stairs, Zero started to head straight for the door, but a hand came down, blocking his path. When he turned his head, his eyes met with a pair of icy blue ones that looked as if they were staring into his soul.

"Hanabusa..." Zero spoke lowly. The blond vampire was about an inch shorter than himself, but that didn't mean he wasn't a dangerous vampire.

"You're getting dangerously close to Lord Kaname... We can all smell his blood on that disgusting mouth of yours..." Hanabusa glared slightly as ice started to form on the wall where his hand was. Hanabusa may not have been an alpha vampire, but he was a beta just like a majority of the Aristocrats. Zero's eyes peered behind the blond vampire, seeing Ruka and Kain as well.

"Hanabusa..." Kain spoke, his voice was rather deep and his gaze looked as if he could care less about what happened. He was one of the rare alphas in the Aristocrat class. "You may be right, but you need to remove your arm and let him leave. For some reason, our Lord has decided to keep this one from falling to Level E and even if we hate it, we need to respect his decision."

"Akatsuki...I don't really care about that right now... I can't stand having him here. His scent messes with my nose and it's beyond irritating. I don't know why Lord Kaname is so interested in him..." Hanabus scoffed and only pressed himself closer to Zero, that was when he had been able to catch the scent he hadn't noticed in the past. "Hmm...maybe that's why..."

"What is it, Hanabusa?" Ruka asked as she stepped a bit closer. She wrinkled her nose when she smelt Kaname's blood on Zero, but she was still curious to what the blond vampires smelt.

"This little shit is an omega. Maybe that's why Kaname is so interested in keeping him alive. I still find that ridiculous." Finally, Hanabusa lowered his arm, but his icy gaze never left Zero's face. "A vampire hunter who's also an omega and a turned vampire. It seems you've been cursed with all kinds of bad luck, Zero."

"Mind your own damn business." Zero hissed. As soon as Hanabusa's arm was lowered, Zero pulled his gun from his back pocket and pointed it toward the blond Aristocrat. "If you ever cut me off again, I won't hesitate to shoot you."

"How dare you point that gun at me. You're still pretty weak, any of us can sense it." Hanabusa moved rather quickly. Before Zero could even blink, a rather cold grip was suddenly on his neck. He gasped lowly, his free hand coming up to grip the blond vampire's arm. "If you were even close to full strength, you probably would have been able to avoid that..."

"Hanabusa." Kain's hand suddenly gripped onto Aido's shoulder, squeezing it tight enough to cause him to hiss in pain. He dropped his grip on Zero instantly and glared back at the vampire who had stopped him.

"What the hell, Akatsuki!? Why would you stop me? He's the one who pointed that damn gun at my face." Though he didn't want to, Hanabusa stepped back, this time to stand behind Kain. "Whatever. Just get him out of here. That smell really pisses me off."

Once Hanabusa had stormed off, Kain turned his attention to Zero. Now this man, he was even a bit taller than Kaname. Zero really hated it when someone was taller than him. He only glared at Kain and started to walk away, but he was stopped. Kain had grabbed him this time and he found himself trapped against the wall once again. What was with these damn Aristocrats? Using one hand, Kain was able to hold Zero's arms above his head. The other hand grabbed onto Zero's chin, forcing him to look toward the ceiling.

"What the hell are you doing? Let go of me!" Zero shouted out. He was still gripping his gun in one of his hands, but he couldn't move to aim.

"Oh settle down. I'm just making sure there's no damage. You may have some bruises to explain later, but that should be nothing new." Kain chuckled rather lowly as he finally released Zero from his grasp. "The same goes for your wrists. I'd apologize, but I don't really care for you, so I'm not going to."

This guy had about as much nerve as Hanabusa did. Both of them had put their hands on him and that really irritated him. He didn't say anything more. Instead, he returned his gun to his back pocket and continued to make his way out of the Night Class dorm. He needed away from all of them, especially Kaname. How many times had he drank that Pureblood's blood? He had lost track. Sure it saved him for a little while, but in the end he always ended up the same. Within the next few weeks, he'd be right back to where he was last night, even if he had taken a little extra this time. If he wanted to stay away from Level E, he would have to feed off of Kaname more often than he wanted to.

"I just need to get away from here... I can slip off the edge and finally be killed..." Zero spoke to himself as he looked up at the bright sky. There was one good thing about being a turned vampire. Zero was still able to go outside whenever he pleased while the Purebloods and Aristocrats had to stay inside all day. He couldn't imagine not being able to walk in the sun like this. It was one of the only things that kept him relaxed, even if it were for only a short amount of time.

The thought of death was the one thing that never scared Zero. No there was only one thing he truly feared, but he didn't want to think about that right now. As he continued to walk away, he found himself glancing back over his shoulder. His eyes were focused on the room he knew Kaname stayed in. He knew Kaname was up there, watching him from the shadows. He didn't want to be watched, he didn't want to be saved, and he knew that damn Pureblood knew that. Clenching his fist, Zero looked forward again and took off running back to his own room. He wanted to shower and forget about the previous events that had happened.

'Kaname... Stop trying to save me... In the end, my fate is already decided.'

 ((Hey all! Chapter Two is finished! Hanabusa, Kain, and Ruka got to appear in this chapter! Does anyone else think Hanabusa is just an adorable little bean? Ugh I freaking adore him so much! Zero is struggling pretty badly though! Things seem to be moving along quiet well! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed chapter two! I'll do my best to update it again soon! Thank you so much for reading and I will see you in the next update!!


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