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~I open my eyes

I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light

I can't remember how

I can't remember why

I'm lying here tonight,~

A pair of light lavender colored eyes slowly opened, only to close again when the light hit them. Sighing to himself, the seventeen year old placed an arm over his eyes and rolled onto his side. He was in the same place he remembered being last night. He didn't remember how he got here or even why he was here. This wasn't a room he was supposed to be in. This was more of a forbidden room at Cross Academy, for a number of reasons. Once it was in the Night Class dorm, two it was full of blood sucking vampires, and three...this particular room was the room of the Night Class President; Kaname Kuran. As Zero slowly sat up, he felt pain shoot through his head. He let out a groan and grasped his short silver hair tightly. His throat was starting to burn once again. He knew what that meant, but he thought he had taken care of it last night.

Kaname...he remembered the brunette finding him out in the woods. He had been close to doing something unspeakable, but that damn Pureblood had stopped him. He remembered having a death grasp on an innocent girl, he remembered his sanity slowly slipping away from him. Kaname had brought him back though, but only because he ended up doing that horrible thing to him. Thinking about it was enough to make Zero's stomach churn. He hated what he was becoming, and it was happening because he hadn't been doing proper things to prevent. If a vampire didn't drink the right amount of blood, they could slip to Level E and lose their mentality completely. Zero was teetering on the edge of that. If it hadn't been for Kaname, last night he was sure he would have done it.

"You're awake." A familiar voice hit Zero's ears, causing the silver haired teen to slowly look up. His lavender colored eyes met with a pair of reddish brown ones. He could have sworn those eyes were mocking him. He noticed that Kaname was wearing a simple pair of black pants and a black shirt with the top three buttons undone. His brown hair looked as if it were damp as well.He must have just gotten out of the shower.

"...You shouldn't have stopped me last night, you idiot." Zero growled lowly. He was still wearing his own clothes, or at least his black jeans. He didn't know where his shirt was. However, he noticed his gun had somehow been taken away from him. As he quickly looked around, he found it lying on the bedside table. "Why did you take this from me...?"

"You would have tried to shoot me like always so disarming you was the better idea. Don't look so mad. I stopped you because if you had done that, you would have fallen to Level E, and Yuki would have been heartbroken." Kaname removed himself from the doorframe he had been leaning on and walked over to the bed. He sat himself down and grabbed Zero tightly by the chin. "Why are you getting so careless? You've gotten to the point where those blood tablets don't even help you anymore. Keep this up and you'll end up dead by the hands of me, or your old master."

"Maybe that's what I want, dammit." Zero smacked Kaname's hand away and forced himself to his feet. His shoes were missing too, but he could care less about that. He was sure he had been wandering around without them last night. "I can't stand what I am and I can't stand what I'm becoming... At this point I'd rather be dead, then I can just fade away into nothing more than a memory." He huffed softly and grabbed his gun off the table. He reattached it to its chain that was also attached to his navel piercing and shoved it in his back pocket.

"Zero. You don't honestly want to die, do you?" Kaname asked as he stood himself up. He grabbed Zero's face again and forced the other to look at him. Zero's eyes trailed down to Kaname's neck where he saw two puncture wounds. "You're not just a vampire, or vampire hunter. No you're actually something of rarity. Vampire Hunter families don't normally give birth to twins, and they definitely don't give birth to one Omega and one Alpha. Usually their children are born Alpha males, but you and're different. Surprisingly it was Ichiru who had almost died instead of you."

Kaname wasn't only a Pureblood, he was also an Alpha male and the head of his family. That made Zero hate him even more. He had even drank this bastard's blood more than once just to keep himself from falling to Level E. That was forced though. Zero planned on getting away from Cross Academy and away from this damn vampire, but he hadn't informed anyone of that plan. It was something he kept all to himself because he knew if he told anyone, they would probably try and detain him to keep him from disappearing.

"Don't bring him or my family into this..." Zero forced himself out of Kaname's grasp once more and started looking around the room for his shirt. "Where did you hide my damn shirt? And did I have shoes when you found me?"

"Your shirt was covered in blood so I had to dispose of it, and you were barefoot when I found you. You can take one of mine if you don't want to walk around like that." Kaname walked to his closet and slid the door open. He grabbed a button up white shirt and threw it toward the white haired vampire. He chose that particular shirt so it would look less suspicious. If Yuki and the Headmaster were to see Zero wearing all black, they would know something was up. Neither of them knew about Kaname allowing Zero to drink his blood, and from what he could tell, neither knew just how fast Zero was slipping.

"Ugh...this thing is going to be a bit bigger on me..." Zero looked toward the shirt he had been thrown and sighed. Kaname wasn't that much taller than him, but it was still enough that the shirt would look a little bigger. As he slowly slipped it on, Kaname's scent hit his nose. That wasn't good. His body was starting to become accustomed to the scent, meaning he was starting to really like it. That was something else Zero couldn't allow.

"Just wear it until you get back to your room then you can change and things will be fine. Also, the others are sleeping, so try not to wake them up on your way out." Kaname went over and quickly closed his curtains. He only opened them so Zero would be able to see and remember where he was. Once they were closed, the brown haired vampire flipped on a lamp and walked back to where the silver haired teen stood.

"...Why do you insist on keeping me alive...?" Zero asked softly. "Yuki loves you, she doesn't need me around. I'm a danger to her and all the other students..."

~ And I can't stand the pain

I can't make it go away

No, I can't stand the pain...~

"Because...she cares about you very much. You're like a brother to her and if you were to die, I know she would be devastated. I know you're suffering right now, but if you just continue to drink on my blood, you'll soon get pulled away from the edge you're teetering on." Kaname leaned down slightly so his reddish brown eyes could look directly into Zero's lavender ones. Being this close, more of Kaname's scent entered his nose. He swallowed thickly, his throat was once again feeling dry. His eyes started to turn from that beautiful lavender to a crimson color. His breathing increased as well as he reached out and tightly grasped Kaname's shirt.

~How could this happen to me

I've made my mistakes

Got nowhere to run

The night goes on

As I'm fading away

I'm sick of this life,

I just wanna scream

How could this happen to me~

He couldn't stop himself. His pale lips parted, revealing his sharp fangs. An arm came around, grasping him tightly as if to urge him to do it. Zero's eyes closed tightly, his hand shook slightly as he leaned up to Kaname's exposed neck. His fangs sank in instantly and warm fluid filled his mouth.

'I hate what I've become...'

((Hi everyone! This is my first Vampire Knight fanfic! This anime was one of my very first ones I ever watched/read and I love it so very much. Kaname and Zero are one of my favorite ships and Zero is one of my favorite characters. He is baby and I love him. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed chapter one. I'll post the song I'm referencing below. It's actually what gave me the motivation to start this story. I hope to update again very soon! Thank you so much for reading and I will see you next time!!


((Song: ))

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