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Finally Zero had made it outside. He was away from the two idiots in the kitchen and alone with his thoughts, which probably wasn't the best thing in the world but it was better than what was going on in the kitchen. Eventually the silver haired teen found a shaded tree and sat himself down underneath it. As he closed his eyes, he thought about what Kaname had told him in the bathroom.

'I have my reasons for wanting you to stay alive, you just don't know them yet.' Those words really irritated Zero. He had no idea what that damn Pureblood was thinking but he was sure that guy was up to no good. He never did trust vampires, not even himself...especially not himself. Growling softly, Zero grasped onto his hair tightly and clenched his jaw. Once again his throat was starting to feel dry and his sanity felt like it was slipping. He must have really neglected himself over the years by refusing blood tablets and actual blood. Shizuka had been the one to turn him when he was a child, and that woman had taken his family away from him. That damn woman...

"Zero?" A girl's voice suddenly called out to him. He didn't even need to open his eyes to know who it was. He could easily tell by her scent and the tone of her voice. The same girl he had met the first night he came to this academy and helped him clean up after the incident. The same girl who had been nothing but kind toward him, while he was cold toward her. It was...

"Yuki...what do you want?" Zero asked as he finally opened his eyes, only to find himself staring into a pair of wide brown ones. She definitely had pretty eyes, Zero would easily admit that but of course she was nothing more to him than a friend. Besides, she was also an omega, just a human one.

"I saw the Headmaster in the kitchen and he said you just took off so I came to check on you." Yuki smiled sweetly and pushed some of her short brown hair behind her ear. She was on the Disciplinary Committee and was the only other person who knew the secret behind the Night Class.

"I didn't just take off. He was being a weird old man as usual. I just needed to get away from him and my old master... I still haven't forgiven him for pointing a gun to you that night when you tried to protect me..." The silver haired male sighed softly and placed his head against the tree he was sitting under.

"Headmaster is just worried about you, Zero. He said you didn't come home last night. Where were you?" She slowly sat herself down in front of the other, her head tilting slightly to the side. Zero felt his throat tighten. There was no way he was even thinking about doing such a thing... No. He couldn't. He'd sooner die than lay his hands on her...again.

"Don't worry about it. You have other things you need to worry about anyways. Like keeping the Day Class at bay whenever it's time for the others to come out. I'm sure Kaname is looking forward to seeing you as well." Zero's tone was a bit cold, but that was nothing Yuki wasn't used too. At the mention of Kaname's name, Yuki blushed madly and turned her head away.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Yuki puffed her cheeks out as if she were pouting. Such a sight got Zero to laugh very softly before he reached out to lightly ruffle her hair. She was head over heels for Kaname and Zero knew it, but at the same time he didn't like it. Was he jealous? No that couldn't be possible. There was no reason for it because he didn't have feelings for either of them. Yuki was more like an annoying little sister and Kaname...well he couldn't stand that Pureblood.

"Sure you don't." Zero chuckled very softly and retracted his hand. The two of them talked of the remainder of the day. For once, Zero didn't find her presence nearly as annoying as he usually does, but maybe that was because he was planning on running away soon. This would be one of the last conversations he had with her, so he may as well enjoy it.

Before either of them knew it, the sun was starting to set. That meant it was time to prevent the Day Class from getting too close to those damn vampires. Together, the two of them stood themselves up and started heading toward the gates. Today was the one rare occasion Zero actually decided to help keep those insane girls under control. He couldn't stand all their screaming, but he would manage to deal with it if it meant spending extra time with Yuki...and having to see Kaname. He just wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.

Once they arrived, the girls had already crowded around the gates, screaming their heads off. Zero instantly wanted to turn around, but he knew he couldn't do that now. He was already here. Together, the two of them moved all the females away from the gates just as they opened. Screaming grew louder, giving Zero an instant headache. He couldn't see, but he was sure that meant those damn vampires were emerging. The silver haired teen could instantly hear Hanabusa's annoying voice as he greeted his 'fans'. They all called him Idol, which Zero found to be highly annoying. He was curious, so he took a glance over his shoulder and sure enough, that annoying blond was smiling like an idiot. Zero desperately wanted to walk over there and punch that smile right off of Hanabusa's face, but he ended up staying put.

As the other members emerged, the girls started getting more insane. Zero could hear Yuki telling them to stay back and not shove, but of course they were yelling at her and telling her to move because she was in the way. Zero only shook his head and held his own against the other crowd of girls. However, once he heard one of the girls shout out a specific name, everything around him froze.

"It's Kaname!" The female shouted out directly in his ear. Her loud voice made him cringe. Damn he wanted away from all these wild females. Zero was about to tell them to back off when there was a sudden pain in his head. One of the girls had ended up hitting him in the side of the head with her arm. Normally something like that wouldn't hurt him, but with the state he was in, his body was more fragile. The impact had caused him to stagger a bit. He was sure he'd be trampled at this rate, but before he could actually fall, he felt a hand on his back, followed by several soft gasps.

"Zero. Snap out of it." That voice...there was no way. Slowly Zero turned his head and sure enough, there was a pair of reddish brown eyes staring down at him. The hand holding him up was firmly in the center of his back. Oh he wanted to smack Kaname for actually touching him in front of all these people, but at the same time he couldn't make a scene. He just stared up at Kaname with a confused yet irritated expression on his face. He could hear the girls talking, but he couldn't exactly make out what they were saying. His head was still spinning. He couldn't believe a hit like that had actually almost caused him to fall over. In a way, it was rather embarrassing.

"I'm fine... Let go." Zero growled lowly, his lavender eyes soon started to glare toward the Pureblood. He needed Kaname away from him because he was starting to pick up the vampire's scent and it was starting to drive him crazy. Kaname must have noticed that look in Zero's eyes and quickly removed his hand from the other's back before stepping away.

"You need to be a bit more careful and pay attention to your surroundings." Kaname was scolding him but it was in a disgustingly sweet way. It nearly made Zero gag. As Kaname gave the silver haired male a small smile, he turned toward Yuki, who looked just as surprised as the other females. "Yuki, thank you for all your hard work."

"E-eh... You're welcome!" Yuki had stumbled over her words and of course she was blushing madly. Zero felt his eyes roll slightly. She really did look like an idiot standing there like that, and the other girls looked rather pissed off.

"I'll see you later then. Have a pleasant evening...and Zero." Kaname had stopped right as he started walking away. He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes piercing through Zero's chest. "Make sure you behave yourself."

How dare he... Zero growled once more as Kaname walked away with the other vampires. He couldn't believe Kaname actually had the nerve to tell him to behave himself. It must have been because of the hungry look he had in his eyes a few moments ago. The urges were growing stronger with each passing day. Once the Night Class disappeared, the Day Class returned to their dorms, everyone except Zero. After everyone left, including Yuki, Zero had sat himself down by another tree and grasped his hair tightly.

'I...can't control it much longer...'

((Hey all! Chapter five is finally here! Updates are still moving rather slowly because I'm still very dead and I honestly have no idea when I'll be back to my old self. ^^" However, I'm really glad to see this story getting so much love! Thank you so much for all the support! I really appreciate all of you! Thank you so much for reading and I'll do my best to update again as soon as possible! See you next time!


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