Chapter 1 | September 19, 2010

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"Harry calm down. You are going to do great." Harry sits next to me surrounded by other nervous contestants waiting for their number to be called. This year Harry was finally old enough to audition for the X-Factor UK. He had always dreamed of auditioning and today was the day his dream would come true. "They are going to love you. And if they don't, screw them! They don't know what they are missing out on." I rub circles into Harry's back attempting to calm his nerves. His knee bounces up and down as he shakes his head.

"I can't do this, what if I get booed off of the stage? What if the judges hate me What if I fall on stage? What if I forget my lyrics? What if--" I cut him off before he can say anything else.

"Harry you have to do this. You want to do this. I promise no one will boo you. You are so talented and the judges will see that they'd be dumb not to. Now, you are going to go onto that stage when you are called and you are going to do your best, and you are going to win this competition ok?" Harry's leg slows as he looks back up to me and nods his head.

"Ok, yeah I can do this" Harry says as if he is trying to convince himself. Just then a man appears from a door and calls the number "165998" Harry freezes, his eyes widen. I pat him on his back before pulling him up from his seat.

"You can do this. I believe in you." He looks back at me and grins before walking in the direction of the man. Anne, Gemma, and I follow behind and wait backstage and Harry gives us all a hug and walks onto the stage. Anne wraps one arm around Gemma and the other one on me as we watch Harry begin his audition. Harry introduces himself to the judges.

"I work in a bakery," I hear Harry tell the judges from backstage. I can't help let out a snicker. He would never shut up about that bakery. Soon, it is time for Harry to start singing. I grip on to Anne's arm, which is draped around me, tightly. The three of us look nervously ahead of us at the curly-haired lad as he begins to sing Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder. I smile as I hear his voice. I could tell this is what he was meant to do. Ever since we were little, Harry had loved to be in the spotlight. Harry looked as if he was made for the stage performing in front of the judges. I have never been more proud of him.

Harry finishes his song. The audience erupts with applause. Harry glances over at us from the stage and grins. I wave at him with a huge smile plastered on my face. I give him a thumbs-up before the judges begin to talk. After the judges finish critiquing Harry it is time for them to judge. I have no doubt in my mind that Harry will make it through but, I can't stop myself from being so nervous for him. Anne grips me and Gemma's hand. The first judge gives Harry a no. I boo from backstage, knowing Harry didn't deserve it. Nicole is next.

"I like you, Harry, I am going to say yes." She says. I jump up and down out of happiness. Now it is up to Simon. If he says yes Harry could have a really good shot of winning this thing. I calm down from the excitement as Simon begins to speak.

"I am going to be agreeing with Nicole," Simon says. Anne wraps Gemma and I into a hug as we all smile and cheer for Harry. Harry smiles and walks off the stage after thanking the judges. Once he gets behind the curtain I run towards him and wrap him into a hug.

"I told you they would love you!" I say smiling into his shoulder. I let go of Harry and he takes turns hugging both Gemma and Anne.

"I'm so proud of you Harry!" Anne says.

"You did it, Harry!" Gemma adds.

We head back to the hotel, all bursting with joy. I have never seen Harry so happy. Harry's grin never seemed to leave his face as we left the X-factor building. I am convinced that smile will be stuck on his face if he keeps smiling much longer. We didn't talk long since we were all tired and we had to get up early again tomorrow so Harry could start his Bootcamp. I drift off to sleep to the sound of Harry snoring in my ear. Anne and Gemma shared a bed leaving Harry and me in our own bed. No one really seemed to have an issue with it since Harry and I have been friends for so long and have had countless sleepovers over the years. While I fall asleep I can't help but worry if Harry will be cut tomorrow. I shake that thought out of my head and try to replace it with some more positive thoughts and eventually tire myself out with worry. 


(A/N) Sorry for the chapter is so short. Hopefully, they will get longer as the story progresses. This is my first fanfic and I haven't edited it so I apologize if there are any mistakes.

This chapter and the next few chapters will be mostly about how One Direction was formed and kind of set up the rest of the story. Kind of like a flashback. I don't really know how to explain it well.

Anyways, Thank you so much for reading this story! Don't forget to vote or don't it's really up to you. I am always open to feedback!

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