Chapter 15 | Out

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Current Outfit:

"Shit, shit, shit, go, go, go

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"Shit, shit, shit, go, go, go." I run and jump on the back of the cart as Niall speeds away. I grip on the edge tightly as I watch a soaking wet Louis run as fast as he can, chasing after our cart. We speed through the hallways backstage. Zayn walks out of the hair and makeup room and we swerve nearly hitting him. "Sorry Zayn!" I call out. He just looks at with his hands in the air confused until he sees Louis behind us and he connects the dots and gives me a thumbs up. 

Earlier I was using the water fountain and Louis snuck up behind me and poured freezing cold water down my shirt. So, obviously I turned the spout of the fountain to spray him back but it broke off and drenched him. I'm not saying I meant for it to happen but I am glad it did, the look on his face was hilarious. And that is the reason Niall and I are currently driving away from an angry Lou. 

"Niall!" I turn around to look in front of us and see we are about to hit a metal fence that blocked the hall for god knows why. Niall was looking back and laughing at Louis so he didn't see it. Niall quickly turns his head around and slams on the break, the cart slides and lightly hits the fence. We both jerk at the sudden stop. 

"Fuck," Just then I see Louis about 3 meters behind us. 

"Niall, run!" I face Louis and then I feel a tug at my waist and Niall tosses me over the fence and jumps over and we both start running. 

"You little shits!" Louis yells at us, his short legs trying to get over the fence. We turn a corner and suddenly Paul is standing in front of us. I bump into him and almost fall over and he doesn't even budge. Niall and I both stand in front of Paul who has his arms crossed. We look at each other and nod. Niall starts running off to Pauls left and I run to the right. He lunges to the left and grabs Niall and lifts him under his arm. Just when I thought I made it Paul grabs me with his other arm. 

"Paul let us go, he's going to kill us!" I beg.

"Can't do that, Niall's gotta be on stage in 20 minutes." 

"Oh come on Paul, your no fun," Niall groans. Louis turns the corner and freezes when he sees Paul who has both Niall and I tucked up under each arm. His eyes widen and he turns away and tries to run. 

"Woah, where do you think your going?" Louis freezes mid run and slowly turns around with a guilty smile on his face. 

"Hi Paul" 

"Hair and makeup now," He sets me and Niall down and the three of us all walk with our heads down to the dressing rooms. Without Paul I don't know how anything would get done he keeps all of us in check mostly just the boys though. Paul likes me the most he just doesn't want to admit it. 

I lay down on the couch in the hair and makeup room while Niall and Louis are swarmed with hair and makeup people. I stare up at the ceiling and toss my phone to myself, watching it go up and then come back down and land in my hands. Soon they are ushered out of the room to the dressing rooms. Niall doesn't leave without sqeezing my hand and he doesn't let go until I am out of his reach. Louise is sitting in the chair Niall was just in, she twists in her chair to face me. I always liked Louise she was really nice, and great with hair so, often times when the boys were getting dressed I would stay and hang out with Louise. She stands up from the chair and pats the seat. "Come sit, I want to do your hair." Louise smiles. 

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