Chapter 2 | X-Factor

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I wake up to the sound of an alarm clock blaring through our hotel room. I open my eyes only to be surrounded by darkness. It must still be early. My thoughts are confirmed as I looked over at the flashing red letters above the nightstand. The alarm clock read 5:00 am. Why is the alarm going off so early? I must be the only one who was woken up by the god-awful sound because I don't hear anyone else moving. The Styles family had always been heavy sleepers. One time Gemma and I were downstairs while Harry was taking a nap in the next room, and we had tried to make creme brulee. Let's just say things didn't end well. While trying to torch the pudding I had set an entire roll of paper towels on fire. The whole room filled with smoke and every fire alarm in the house started going off as Gemma and I quickly started throwing cups of water onto the fire. Once the fire was out, we ran out of the kitchen coughing the smoke out of our lungs and laughing, to see Harry still asleep on the couch.

I climb out from under Harry's limbs. I swear it's like Harry didn't know what personal space is. Once I finished removing his leg that was sprawled across my thighs, I stood up and grabbed a pillow with both of my hands. I raised the pillow up above my head and brought it down onto Harry's face. Harry mumbles something under his breath. "Harry get your lazy ass up. The alarm has been going off for five minutes." Harry's eyes shoot open as he springs out of bed.

"I have to get ready! I have my first day of Bootcamp in an hour!" He fumbles for the light switch and flips it on. Anne and Gemma both groan, pulling their pillow over their eyes. I can't help but laugh at how similar they all are. We all wake up and get ready for the day. Harry has on a maroon sweatshirt with a pair of brown shorts that just pass his knees. He finishes his outfit with a chunky pair of high tops and slips a beanie over his curls and pulls the hood over his head.

We all leave the hotel and get in a cab to head to the X-factor building. "Haha, you have to dance on tv!" I say sitting across from Harry in the back of the cab.

"Shut up! You're just jealous 'cause I am a better dancer than you." Harry says with a smug look on his face. I flip my hair behind my shoulder.

"Please, you are a man of many talents Styles but, dancing is not one of them." Harry folds his arms across his chest and pouts.

"You're gonna regret that when I am selling out arenas across the world and you are just sitting at home, moping, wishing you were nicer to me."

"Ah, you've hurt me H," I put a hand over my heart. "To think you could ever forget me!" I cry out, lifting my hand and resting it on my forehead dramatically. Harry and I look at each other and burst out into laughter. Just then the cab stops, Harry hops out of the cab and begins to walk towards the building. Anne, Gemma, and I stay in the cab. "Don't forget me Styles!" I yell out the window. Harry turns around to face me but continues walking back towards the door.

"I could never forget you!" Harry yells back as our cab begins to move again. Harry leaves us with a wave and a smile. I giggle as I tuck my head back into the car. While Harry was in Bootcamp, we all decided to go into London for the day until Harry finished.

Harry had been at boot camp all day. It was now 7 o'clock and we got a cab back to the X-Factor building to pick Harry up. On the way there I could barely keep my eyes open. I had been so exhausted and my feet ached from walking around London all day. We mostly just looked around in the shops all day and only stopped to grab some lunch. I didn't find much, I bought myself a pair of sunglasses. I also bought Harry a bright green polo that I thought he might like from Hollister. We pulled up to the tall brick building where Harry was waiting outside on a set of concrete stairs surrounded by a dozen other contestants. By this time it had started to get dark as the sun began to set. Harry climbed into the cab and sat down next to me. By the looks of it I could tell Harry was just as exhausted as I am if not more. "How was it?" Anne asked Harry. Harry just mumbled.

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