𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑣𝑒

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"I try to pretend I'm not as lonely as I feel."
— Riley Sager, Lock Every Door
(^^Love this book!)

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Jo is not a stranger to loneliness. She had been alone most of her childhood that it became a normality. Of course, she had her friends at school and her twin brother, but they were only there for a little while. Her friends had their own lives and problems to deal with and Jess usually spent his free time as far away from the apartment as possible. She got along with her mother but it wasn't on a level where they could share things. It was a simple, "Hey, hun." And a "hey, mom." Then Liz was out the door on her way doing god knows what.

Jo befriended loneliness and loneliness befriended her. She enjoyed being alone because it meant an escape from her dysfunctional household, which is constant yelling. But at times loneliness was her foe. There is a difference between wanting to be alone and having no one to be with. And when Jo had felt what it was like to not have any other option but to be alone, she thought that there was nothing worst than that. It grew the gaping hole she had in her heart.

After moving to Stars Hollow, Jo was grateful that she never had to deal with not having the option of being alone. She had amazing friends, a caring parental figure, and her twin brother at her side. What more could she ask for?

Jo sat in the classroom rereading Beloved, for the second time in two weeks. Everyone else was still taking the test that she finished quickly.

"Fifteen minutes left." The teacher announces before moving to retrieve something in her filing cabinet.

As that was happening, Jo notice Jess sneaks into class while the teacher was unaware. Jo rolled her eyes a focus back on her book, fingers skimming over Nathan's neat notes that were placed in the margin. She didn't know she was smiling into her brother pointed out.

"Hey Juliet, stop grinning at your love letters and lend me your pen." Jess whispered from the seat beside her. In response, she raised a middle finger at him and carried on with her reading.

Ever since what happened with Nathan at Babette's place, it seems like no one could shut up about it. Of course, it was the older women who shared this with the town and now rumors are going on. Nathan had been sweet enough to not point it out her slight blush when they were together and heard someone say something about them.

"Psst! Lane." Jess whispered to Lane, who sat in front of him. Though she wasn't paying any attention to him and focused on trying to complete the test. "Laaane." He sang.

"Shush!" She said.

"I need a pencil."

"I don't have one." She replied in a hushed tone.

"Then I need a pen."

"You only have fifteen minutes."

"Then I need the answers." He said making both the girls roll their eyes.

"There's a pen in my bag."

"I can't go through your bag."

"You can."

"My mother told me 'never go through a lady's bag.' At least not until you're a couple of blocks away. " Jess said making Jo chuckle.

Lane looked at Jo with pleading eyes. "Make your evil twin stop, please?"

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