𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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Jo's day one outfit on the left, day two on the right.

"I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve."
— Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

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Jo was never good at dealing with her feelings, that mainly being because she never grew up around the healthy way of doing it. She did either two things when she felt upset. One: suppress it and pretend that they do not exist. Or two: talk to Jess.

Because option two was not a solution but the cause, she went with option one. After the weekend of locking everyone out, Jo got up out of her bed and got ready for school. She was going to pretend that the aching feeling in her heart wasn't there. She was going to pretend that she wasn't slapped in the face with the one thing she hated the most by her twin. She did it with her parents, how hard could it be this time. It was normal, the way it always been. That way it only could be, just her against the world now.

Jo grabbed her book bag and walked through the apartment, halting in her steps when she noticed the note on the dining table.

Went out on a fishing trip. Lock up the diner on your way out. Will be back before the end of school. Love you.

— Luke

Jo's eyes skimming over the last two words as a wave of guilt washed over her. During the entire weekend, Luke was worried over her when she would refuse to let him in. He tried talking to her, or through her door trying to talk with her. But she wouldn't. He threatened to knock down the door, afraid that something bad happened to her. Then she finally spoke up, asking him to please leave her alone.

He nodded although she could see him and worried himself all weekend not able to sleep or work knowing she wasn't okay.

Jo folded the note and dropped it back onto the table and left the apartment. Upon entering the empty diner she noticed the lined up people at the door. Jo rolled her eyes at how they are not able to comprehend the sigh that Luke put on the door. She walked to the door pulling open to walking through it.

"But he never—"

"Well, now he did." She heard Lorelai say to Rory as she locked the door behind her.

"Jo!" Rory said relieved to see the girl.

Jo pressed her lips together not in the mood to socialize. Nonetheless, Rory was her friend so she turned around tucking her hands into her pocket. Her dull hazel eyes bet Nathan's concerned ones. Immediately, averting his gaze she looked at Rory and noticed her cast. "How are you?" She said, her voice rid of all emotion.

Rory looked down at her wrist and waved it off. "I'm fine, it barely hurts." She said offering her a small smile.

Jo nodded and turned to leave when Lorelai stopped her. "I'm sorry about what happened."

Jo blankly stared at the woman. "Really? I thought he was just some little punk to you." She said before walking off in the direction of the high school.

"Jo! Wait!" Nathan called out, she didn't listen and continued not that it took long for him took catch up.

"I'm late for school." She said looking only at the path in front of her.

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