*The Art Of Kissing (pt1)- JJ Maybank

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ALL CREDIT GOES TO @ptersparkers and @storiesbymads

Go follow them on Tumblr. I read this and was like...damn.

Summary: upon realizing you lack skills in the bedroom when a touron asks you out on a date, you turn to jj, a self-proclaimed sexual deviant, for help.


It was a recurring joke within your friend group that you were the least experienced out of the bunch. JJ first joked about it when you shied away from him after he had made a comment about a Touron he had spent the previous night with. The Pogues had long since branded you as the innocent one; you had yet to go on your first date, have your first kiss, nor had you lost your virginity. John B. always seized the opportunity to tease you about it and you found his boyish antics to be quite annoying.

You never gave much thought about your firsts, or lack thereof, until you watched all of your friends experience theirs. Kiara's first kiss was with a Kook who moved off of the island. John B's first fling occurred one summer with a Touron and it lasted about a month and a half. JJ's first kiss and first time having sex occurred in the same night. Pope's first girlfriend, which lasted a solid five months, occurred in his second year of high school. The conversation regarding your love life hadn't crossed your mind until, one night, all of the Pogues had cancelled plans in favor of spending time with someone else. You sat in your lonesome bedroom and spent too much time thinking about if you were behind.

You think it's nearly impossible to go to a kegger or have a normal day at the beach without someone teasing you. If you stared too long at someone, you could bet on Pope, JJ, or John B. making a snide comment and hear them encourage you to talk to them. You knew this game well. They'd tease you, you'd roll your eyes and feel somewhat embarrassed, and then they forgot about it. You were just the innocent one because you could barely keep a straight face when talking about sex and never chimed into any of their conversations. Kiara was a bit forgiving, but even she had her fair share of jokes. Sex and dating wasn't something that was at the forefront of your mind.

However, your thought process began to change when an incredibly attractive man had asked for your number while you were waiting for Kiara to finish her shift at The Wreck. You put your number in his phone and he apologized for having to leave the restaurant so quickly, but he promised to call you tomorrow. If you were being honest with yourself, you weren't holding your breath to an empty promise but the stranger, who went by the name of Trent, called you around lunch time and offered to take you on a date later that evening. You decided against telling your friends and enjoyed the date without much thought about the rambunctious teens who'd take this opportunity to tease you about it.

The date was simple – a picnic on the beach before the sun set with baskets of food and other snacks to enjoy as you got to know each other. He explained that he would be on the island for the next three weeks with his father, learning the family business, and that he wanted nothing more than to spend his spare time with you, if you'd have him. He walked you to your car, kissed your cheek, and you said yes. Just like that, your next date was set. You'd be back with him tomorrow night.

But upon driving back to your house, you realized you knew nothing about boys or dating them. You had no example to follow, no prior experience, and God knows you were never going to follow John B's advice about dating teenage boys, even if he was the person you'd most likely get advice from.

You knew JJ would be at the Chateau. You turned your car around back to The Cut and hoped to find him there.

JJ sat in his red snapback and black collared shirt when you entered the Chateau. In truth, you were hoping to find him alone without the company of the other Pogues for fear that you'd be too shy to talk to the boy. He watched as you entered the living room and turned the volume of the television down when you stood in the threshold, looking at the empty room like you had never been in there before.

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