Chapter 2- Relatable

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Harry and Draco were in a great place with their relationship and they were also promoting house unity to the point that all of the third year Slytherins and Gryffindors got together in the RoR twice a month to play games, today was one of those days. The third years were gathered in a big circle playing truth or dare.

“Okay everyone, the rules are you have to take some Virtiserum to truthfully answer questions and strip when you refuse to do a dare.” Pansy said, shocking some of the kids. Everyone agreed and took some serum. Pansy was dared to kiss Draco which Harry was very unhappy about but she did it anyway. Hermione narrowly avoided talking about her crush and pansy did too but no one put two and two together. The game went on and nothing juicy had happened yet until Blasie was up.

“Blaise Truth or Dare?” Draco asked.

“Truth.” He said.

“Who is your crush?” Draco said smiling.

“Dare.” He said avoiding the question.

“I dare you to tell who your crush is.” Draco said.

“Hey, that doesn't count!” Blaise said.

“Judges?” Draco asked.

“We will accept it.” Pansy said after whispering to Hermione, the two girls had become better friends since Harry and Draco started to date.

“Fuck” Blaise whispered. Everyone looked at him waiting for an answer, he didn't want to be seen as a coward but he really didn’t want to expose himself. Draco was the only one who knew about his crush on the Red headed member of the trio. 

“Ronald Weasley.” Blasie whispered inaudibly. 

“What was that?” Ron asked cluelessly. Blaise took a deep breath and mustered up all of the courage he had.

“Ron Weasley.” Blaise said, his voice wavering, he forced himself to stand up and look Ron in the eyes. Ron stood up to meet his eyes, at first Ron looked shocked and didn’t know how to respond but he mustered up all of his Gryffindor bravery.

“Me too.” Ron said, kissing Blaise slowly. Blaise was shocked but it only took him a moment to start kissing back. Their tongues fought for dominance and Ron won but Blaise still put up a bit of a fight. When they broke apart Ron grabbed Blaise’s hand and ran out of the RoR. 

“Okay well I think game time is over. Also Dean, Neville and Seamus lets not stay in our room tonight.” Harry said, smiling for his best friend. Everyone left and Harry paced outside the RoR again and opened the doors to a room with three red four poster beds. Harry's roommates slept in there while Harry roomed with Draco that night. 

Blaise and Ron just snuggled and kissed that night but it was great for the both of them. They were happy that they had a real relationship. The next morning the two boys walked into the great hall hand in hand and sat at the Gryffindor table, ever since last year the six of them would always sit at the lions table so they could be together. Everyone congratulated the new couple and started eating. They were casually chatting for about 10 minutes and Hermione drug them all to potions early so they could get seats next to each other. They were in the middle of class and Draco passed Harry a note. 

Now its only a matter of time before Hermy and Pans start to date

Harry seemed kind of shocked because he knew that Hermione liked Pansy but didn't know anything else.

What do you mean? I know Hermione likes Pansy but is it the other way around?

Draco got the note and was surprised that Hermione liked Pansy back.

Well I know that Pansy likes ‘Mione but I didn’t know it was mutual.

Harry had a brilliant idea.

Babe, we have to set the two of them up!

Draco nodded in agreement and they passed notes for the rest of class discussing how they were going to pull it off. They decided that they were going to set the both of them up on a blind date with each other. After class Draco split to talk with Pansy and Harry with Hermione.

“How would you feel about going on a blind date?” Harry asked Hermione when they were walking through the halls.

“Harry, you know I like Pansy.” Hermione said.

“I know but just do it please” Harry pleaded.

“Ugh.. Okay fine, just one date” Hermione said, greatly pleasing Harry. Draco had the same conversation with Pansy. They agreed that the date would be in The Three Broomsticks on the next Saturday. Hermione decided to dress nicely because she might like the date. She wore a nice white dress with red tights and red converse. She styled her hair into tame curls and wore some light makeup. She was the first to the date and sat down at the table that was agreed. Soon she saw Pansy walk into The Three Broomsticks wearing a short black skirt with green tights and a tight long sleeved green crop top. Hermione couldn't help but stare at her since she had a massive crush on the girl. She assumed that she was here for a date which kind of hurt so she looked down until she heard her date sit down, she looked up to see Pansy Parkinson sitting in front of her. She gasped and smiled when she realized Pansy was here for a date, a date with HER!

“Hey ‘Mione!” Pansy said happily.

“Hey Pans” Hermione said and winked. The date went amazing and the two girls decided to be girlfriends after a lengthy makeout session in the shrieking shack. They came back to the Gryffindor common room, after a chat with the other Gryffindors they decided to give the three Slytherins the password and access to the common room to see their friends. The two girls got back and announced the news, everyone whooped and cheered and for the rest of the night the three couples just chatted and cuddled until late at night when they all fell asleep. Everyone woke up to the commotion of the morning in the common room. They went up to the rooms to get ready and went to breakfast except for Draco, for some interesting reason he ran off to the owlery. He sent a quick letter and went to class. After classes Dumbledore called the 6 friends to his office.

“After a large donation to the school and the Ministry of Magic Draco’s mother has persuaded me to give the six of you private rooms, there will be a small room much like a common room in your new quarters with three bedrooms for you all too sleep in and a personal house elf.” Dumbledore said. He showed them to their new room, their portrait was the one and only portrait of Salazar Slytherin in the castle. After some chatting with the portrait of their new room they soon learned that Salazar was a really nice man and it will be nice to be able to talk to him from the inside of the common room. The room was nice, it was full of green and red furniture and a nice fireplace that they could floo in and out of. There were three rooms leading out of the common room with a bathroom in each. Pansy and Hermione settled into their room and so did the other couples. They were all so excited. The rest of the year they kept promoting house unity and everyone was getting closer than ever.

I hope you liked this fun little two shot, please follow me for more Harry Potter stories. :)

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