Of Bonds, New Meetings and False Tranquility

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Do not panic, Seokjin told himself.

But he was about to do just that anyway.

The moment Seokjin realized what was happening to Namjoon his brain went blank. Well, not necessarily blank perhaps but there were just so many different thoughts in that single moment that he forgot everything that passed through his mind.

Just let the Royals come find us again, please...I do not have the necessary knowledge to deal with this situation.

Seokjin had zero experience with alpha ruts. Of course he knew the basics of what to expect from an alpha in rut but that was as far as his expertise in this went. Getting knotted by an alpha in rut almost always resulted in their partner conceiving, especially if said partner was an omega and even more so if the omega was in heat. Being a prince, it was of utmost importance for him to prevent any unwanted pregnancies – the only child he was to carry would belong to his official mate.

It wasn't like he had no experience with copulation, might as well just say sex, either – he'd spent a couple of his harder heats with trusted betas but it was never with an alpha, it was simply not allowed and he had never wanted to anyway. Till this day, there had ever been only one alpha that Seokjin had come close to asking to spend his heat with, but in the end he never did ask. There had been a time when he fancied himself in love with Jung Hoseok but his inner wolf had never agreed with the prince's heart. Seokjin, however, despite his inner omega always making things a bit difficult for him where instincts were concerned, trusted his wolf. If his wolf opposed something then it always had a good reason to.

Eventually, Seokjin had given in to his omega and slowly, with time, his feelings for Hoseok waned and he went back to just being the alpha's friend. It hurt in the beginning – he won't lie about that – and his emotions were a little messy for a while, especially during the few times his friend had come back from his ruts smelling like another omega. But it was just something in the past already. He would always love Hoseok but not in the romantic way, more like he loved Jungkook and Jiwoo and like Hoseok loved his own sister and the two princes. Jung Hoseok would always be his best friend.

So, even if he had a slight idea about ruts he did not actually know what to expect. Ruts were hard on alphas, sometimes even harder than heats were for omegas and most alphas preferred spending them with a partner. But right now they were in the middle of a forest – in the middle of nowhere, essentially – and Namjoon would be lucky if they found a hut he could spend his rut in. Seokjin wondered brefly if Namjoon had someone back home, a potential mate or even just a partner he spent his ruts with. He'd never asked, mostly because they were not close enough for such intimate and personal conversations. Well, even if there indeed was someone, it was useless at this point anyway – it's not like Namjoon's partner could get here in time.

"...Namjoon?" he ventured at last, not wanting to delay the inevitable any longer. The wolf was still lying flat on the ground, breaths coming heaving than usual as the alpha spoke through the mind link between them.

"Stay back!"

"That is not an option and you know it. We need to get you someplace safe before it hits you in full force." The prince said, taking a few tentative steps towards the alpha until Namjoon growled in warning and Seokjin had to stop. "You should've told me if your rut was this close or did you forget that I'm an omega and that I could get hurt if you lose control?"

Silence., then, "No...I just forgot about the rut."

Seokjin wanted to make some snide remark at that but then he reconsidered. He couldn't really blame the alpha for forgetting his own rut schedule. Certainly, handling ruts wasn't the first thing on Namjoon's mind since they had more pressing issues to deal with – like staying alive, for example.

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