Faerie Secrets

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Seokjin may have always hated heats and most alphas but he loves pups with all his heart. They are these cute little creatures who run around you, smiling and giggling with glee, looking for attention, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Some of the prince's fondest memories are those of taking care of the pups in the castle's nursery and looking after a much younger and rowdier Jungkook.

When he was with children, Jin could momentarily forget all his troubles and bask in the happy atmosphere as he played with the pups. Most of all, he loved how the pups' faces would light up with the brightest of smiles whenever he got them new toys to play with.

That was exactly how the prince was feeling now – all soft and happy on the inside. Except, what he got wasn't a toy but a person he could lay his deepest feelings bare to, a person he could love and care for and receive the same kind of unconditional love in return.

The old pain and hurt was still there, not forgotten but mostly forgiven because he now knew the reasons behind Namjoon's harsh words and actions. He wasn't going to let it go – the alpha needed to learn his lesson and deal with things the right way. But Jin was also not going to let the past spoil a chance at an amazing future. Namjoon had his own ways – however wrong they were – to protect his heart and Seokjin had his own too. But now the two of them could confide in each other and deal with things together – in a proper way that wouldn't lead to more heart break, misunderstandings and uncalled hatred.

Seokjin and Namjoon spent most of the day outside, wandering the nearby meadows and the small stretch of lush forest. Jin was careful not to lead Namjoon in too deep as he and Taehyung still hadn't had a chance to speak to the others and he didn't want Namjoon to pressure the hybrid with questions if the alpha were to see the vast barren landscapes beyond.

Hoseok was still stuck to a slumbering Yoongi's side, the omega having woken up only briefly the previous night after downing the numerous medicinal concoctions Taehyung and Jimin had brewed. Jimin was still mostly avoiding Taehyung at all times except when the two went to check up on Yoongi. Seokjin's hunch had apparently been correct in that Jimin hadn't known the full extent of the hybrid's powers and the healer made it a point to glare at his young lover and avoid him like the plague. Taehyung, however, wasn't one to give up easily and spent the time he wasn't by Yoongi's side by clinging to Jimin, his mouth set in an almost permanent pout.

He and Namjoon had decided to put off withdrawing the Alpha's command until after Yoongi was able to stand on his own two feet again. After all, if Seokjin were to go into heat now it would leave both him and Namjoon out of commission and that meant less protection for the others. Sure, Taehyung could literally incinerate their enemies at will and Hoseok is sure to slice through anyone who dared approach his already hurt intended but it was still better if they had more people around – even if Jin's body is practically on the verge of giving up on him.

The prince and his bonded alpha were walking hand in hand now, thick fur robes draped over their shoulders - courtesy of Taehyung. Well, Jimin actually, since it was the blonde alpha who'd gone on so many hunts to get his future mate the best furs. Jin hoped Jimin would talk to Taehyung soon, especially since he knew that the young alpha wasn't really angry at Taehyung for hiding things from him.

Still being in awe of the bridge the hybrid had whipped up using his magic, Jin stepped onto the slightly curving deck. He ran his hand over the railings as he walked across it, fingertips brushing petals of flowers that surprisingly still didn't show any sign of wilting even after three days. Behind him Namjoon huffed, but the alpha still followed him across the bridge.

On the other side of the river, the one that belonged to the Land of the Lupus, Seokjin wandered along the shore with Namjoon by his side. At one point, he was drawn in by the clear waters and crouched by the riverbank to dip his hand in. He immediately regretted it though, because the water was ice cold and sent a visible shiver through his body. It had snowed heavily the previous night, painting the trees and the ground beneath their feet in pure white.

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