The Hybrid : Part 1

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When Seokjin awakes, he is terribly groggy and disoriented.

He shifts around slightly, finding the surface beneath him to be soft and warm unlike the cold, hard floor of the ballroom he last remembered being curled upon. He's in bed, somewhere in one of the many rooms in Yule's castle, and he feels the presence of several other wolves in the same room.

"How are you feeling?" Namjoon's voice comes from his left and Jin's eyes pry open to spy the alpha settled on a settee by the bed, looking exhausted but still greatly concerned.

"Like someone just tore up my insides, beat them to mush and stuffed them back inside." He replies, mouth dry and tone devoid of any mirth.

It's difficult to move his limbs at first, each attempt sending sparks of pain through his body and along his nerves. Everything hurts - inside and out.

The alpha lets out a dejected sigh and Seokjin manages to turn his head to look at Namjoon. The blonde has his face in his hands, shoulders slumped. His scent is a little sour, filled with worry that Seokjin realizes is for him. Namjoon was worried for him.

"You shouldn't have to feel bad, Namjoon." He says, trying to lift some of that worry. Namjoon doesn't need to blame himself for this. "I was the one who asked you to do it. In the end, your Command worked and I'm okay – that's all that matters."

"You could've died, you know." Namjoon grumbles, not looking at the prince. "This has never been attempted before. It was dangerous and reckless and I shouldn't have done it even if you asked me to. I could've been the one that killed you, Jin."

"Quit that already!" Hoseok whisper yells from the other side of the room and Seokjin turns his head in the other direction. "Even if you didn't use your Alpha Voice on him, he would've still found a way around it. Would've stumbled through the Whispering Woods in search of Taehyung even while still in heat if he had to. By now, we both must already know that that's just the kind of person Seokjin is." He hears Namjoon let out another sigh at that.

"How is he?" Seokjin simply asks, not commenting anything regarding his best friend's statement because he knows that it was entirely true.

The room they were in is huge. A high window with curtains partially blocking out the light was just behind Hoseok, making his silhouette almost glow. Also, there was the larger than king-sized bed that currently held one alpha and two omegas.

Jimin is in the center, propped with a multitude of pillows against the headboard. He's naked from the waist up with bandages criss-crossing his torso. He smiles at the prince kindly, inclining his head. On the other side of the bed is Yoongi, paler than Seokjin's ever seen him and in a poison-induced sleep. Hoseok gently holds one of Yoongi's hands in his, never letting go as he speaks.

"The same." Hoseok's voice trembles just the slightest bit, filled with longing and anguish for his intended. Seokjin can't imagine how Hoseok must be feeling now, wouldn't have been able to be as composed as the alpha is right then if it were his own mate in Yoongi's place. "Jimin had a look at him and..." the alpha clenches his teeth, the sentence cut-off.

"His body will start shutting down soon." Jimin continues in Hoseok's stead since the other alpha clearly didn't seem in the mood to iterate all the horrible things that would soon be happening to his beloved. "It will be the six senses first, followed by his organs - if he's lucky, and with the help of supplements, he might last for a week."

"How long will it take to reach where Taehyung is?" he asks. A week wasn't a lot of time and Yoongi's chances of survival depended solely on how fast Seokjin and Namjoon would be able to find Taehyung and make him aware of the situation so he could prepare the necessary medicines.

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