Red eyes, Blue eyes

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By the time the afternoon sun was high up in the sky, Seokjin had concluded that besides being incredibly pretty, Governor Min Yoongi was probably one of the most intelligent omegas he's had the chance to meet.

The morning he spent travelling the city with the Governor was a nice change of pace from the prince's life in the palace where he had to keep his mouth shut despite most definitely having better advice than the council. Here, in front of Min Yoongi, he did not have to pretend to be a dumb, submissive omega.

The two of them spent their carriage ride through the city talking about everything and anything including politics, war strategies, trading pacts and even mating. It was like a breath of fresh air for Seokjin – knowing someone with whom he could share his ideas freely without being put down or ignored.

However, the engaging conversation between them was not the sole reason for the prince's bright mood.

The border city was simply gorgeous. Aelia City had been beautiful with its views of the shimmering sea and fabulous gardens but it paled in comparison even with this small city on the border of the Pale King's territory. Just as Seokjin had assumed, the high white walls ran along the border in all directions as if encasing the land in a protective cocoon. The grey-painted barracks was the largest building out of all, the rest being quaint little houses two levels high at most and painted in soft shades of pink, sky blue and peach. The wrought metal gates and fixtures of silver and gold reflected the light of the sun, almost blinding the prince at times. At certain intervals along the streets of the city, wooden poles carved in shapes of animals and spirits of folklore were erected. They had protruding arms from which veiled lanterns and oil lamps were hung – swinging with the wind and waiting to be lighted at dusk.

Most of all, the thing that made the prince gawk was the huge fountain at the center of the city.

There was a shallow pond with the water reflecting the soft colors of the houses around the city square. In the middle of said pond, there was a circular, raised platform with the sculpted fountain situated on top. There was a large, silver wolf at the center, its body poised, head and snout raised to the sky as if the wolf were mid-howl but instead of sound, water flowed from the majestic beast's slightly parted mouth and fell into the circular basin. There were five more wolves placed around the reservoir, these were golden and varied in height and build – depicting wolves in various stages of life from a pup into adult and then old age. All the five wolf sculptures had their snouts dipped into the basin, drinking the water.

"It's beautiful!" Seokjin had exclaimed on a gasp when he had laid eyes on it as their carriage was passing through the square.

The Governor had a soft smile on his face as he explained the meaning behind the piece of art. "The silver wolf is Luna." He'd pointed out to Seokjin. "The water represents life. According to our legends, all shifters are said to be direct descendants of Luna in some form or another, hence the wolves drinking the water that flows from the Luna's being signifies that they've received their life from the she-wolf. All the wolves, no matter their age or rank, must bow to her in respect because without her, there is no life itself."

As all the shifters in the Ancestral Land do, the prince has also believed in and prayed to Luna since he was but a mere pup. But sometimes, their devotion left him confused. Their legends depicted Luna as a mighty omega she-wolf but for so long omegas have always been treated as the weaker race among shifters. It was a senseless and almost funny thing to do, in his opinion, because why pray to an omega you cannot see while you mistreat the ones who are right before you.

During the extent of their tour, Governor Min never stepped out of their carriage until it was time for lunch. For their meal, they were taken to a white two-storey building at the far end of the city which, according to the Governor, was usually assigned to visiting palace officials and dignitaries from other kingdoms. White, apparently, was the Kingdom's color.

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