Hoseok : Part 2

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For a moment there, Hoseok wondered if he were hearing things. Yoongi's determined and unmoving expression was telling him otherwise, but he still needed to confirm.

"Did you just...?"

"I want to be the one to kill them." Yoongi repeated with a tone that left no room for argument.

Hoseok sighed. Honestly, he did not know where all this was going; His father was involved in a treasonous plot – and he might be one of the original masterminds behind it; The Royals who have been silent and distant for centuries were now making random attacks on shifter kingdoms and independent packs; The rogue packs were dallying with humans and selling off their own kind to be experimented on; The King of the North seemed to have some involvement in all of the afore mentioned happenings. And the omega before him seemed like the most defiant person on earth. Hoseok's gut told him that even if he refused the omega's request the other would try to fulfill his wish in some other way; A way that did not have Hoseok's involvement in it.

The alpha did not want to leave Yoongi to pursue such a dangerous mission on his own – out of Hoseok's sight. It didn't sit well with him. The alpha sighed again. It hadn't even been a full two days since he'd come to know the omega – and even less than a day that the other was actually awake – but there was a certain pull there that he could not ignore.

"Alright. I shall see what I can do once I get back to court." Hoseok acquiesced. "The King does take such issues with utmost seriousness and will not let go of it lightly. I'm sure a meeting would be convened by the month's end - with all of the leaders present - and with your testimony, the Northern King will surely be stripped of his title and executed along with his son and others involved. By then, I shall put in a word with the King so that you might be given the right to carry out the execution."

Yoongi's eyes bore into him as he spoke so he'd lowered his gaze, being unsettled by the intensity in the other's eyes. It had been a mistake though, because Yoongi was shirtless and at present, Hoseok's robe was only loosely draped around the omega's shoulders, revealing an expanse of pale skin and sharp collarbones. Hoseok shut his eyes, his thoughts split into two completely different directions. Even shut, his eyes had retained the image of bare skin, almost making a blush creep up onto his face. But then, as his mind focused of the rapidly fading image, he saw them again – the bandage around the omega's waist, the more shallow cuts that were left uncovered after an application of a layer of ointment, the large ugly-looking bruises. None of it had any right to be on the omega's body. His face was flushed by now, but from anger at what the other had to suffer. A snort and an unsatisfied hum prompted him to open his eyes and raise them to meet the omega's.

"That seems to be a rather nice and orderly way to do it. "The other smirked, a glint in his eyes. "But I don't want that."

The alpha blinked. "Um...that is the only way you would be able to kill him yourself, though. Once the Ancestral Land's Council has convened-"

"What I meant was-" Yoongi cuts him off before he can continue his ramblings about the Council's proceeding. "I want to go to his doorstep myself. I want to stand before him in his own throne room where he feels invincible and untouchable, and spit in his face and rip his throat out in front of all his advisors who know what's been happening in the castle but have been ignoring it for ages. They have ignored me. My pleads and screams to be set free, my tears and my pain. I'm not above hurting those who have hurt me first, Hoseok. I don't want to give them a quick death. I want them to suffer and be humiliated and then die slowly - agonizingly slow and painful."

Hoseok was left stunned and speechless. He did not respond for quite some time after that and just there quietly, his eyes tracing unseen patterns in the dust on the ground. He heard Yoongi huff and shift, robes rustling as he drew them tighter around himself.

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