Part 20: I will love you until the end

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Third Person
Draco left the bathroom and headed up to his dorm room, he was stopped by Astoria but he pushed her away. He hated Astoria but he still slept with her. That night Draco couldn't sleep , he needed to go somewhere else, so he left. He walked up to the tower where him and Aurora used to hang out. All the memories came flooding back which destroyed Draco.
Auroras Pov
After what happened in the bathroom i couldn't sleep. I needed to go somewhere. I left the dorm room to head up to the tower where Draco and I used to hang out. I walked up and saw Draco sitting on the edge crying. I miss him so much. I walked up to him and sat right next to him. He saw me and he looked into my eyes. We didn't talk but it just felt right being there with him.
Third Person
Aurora sat next to Draco. They sat there for a little while not saying anything but just being in each other's presence is enough. "i'm the reason why your spark went out. I'm the reason why you don't smile or laugh anymore, it's all my fault... I told myself that the day your spark goes out is the day i lose myself, but i'm the reason why you aren't happy, why your smile is gone, why that spark in you that i'm so in love with disappeared. i can never forgive myself for what i did to you, and i hope you know that i will always love you, and i will always be there because you are the person who i will always pick no matter what. i will love you until my last breath. You turned me into someone who can love. You showed me that a single person who had no love to give can find someone who they would risk everything for just so they can see your smile and hear your laugh, you showed me that i can love and i can smile again. You brought happiness into my life which is something i never felt before. I was so broken and lost until i met you, and now i broke you." Draco says with tears streaming down his face. Aurora looked back at him. "i will always love you Draco. you make me feel alive and loved. Yes you did something that was terrible but even though you did that i could never stop loving you, i can't live without you. It's hard to forgive you but i could never love anyone else but you." Aurora says now with tears on her face scooting closer to Draco leaning her head on his shoulder. They look into each others eyes, and know that everything will be okay.
"i love you"
The End!

Thank you so much for reading my story. I really hoped you liked it. If you want a sequal please let me know I will gladly write it. Thank you so much!

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