19 - Heart Breaking Work

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( 19th October 1899)

Katherine sat writing in her office when she got called to see her boss. She went over to his office and went inside. "What can I do for you Mr Taylor?" She smiled.

"I just heard word of a boy, aged between 16 and 20, that's been taken in by the police. I want you to head down to the station and find out what you can and write about it." Katherine panicked.

"Of course sir." She said going back to her desk. She grabbed her bag, notepad and pen. She picked up her drawing she had on her desk that Jack drew of the two of them and sighed. "I hope you're okay J. And I promise whoever is in there I'll work hardest to make sure they are safe." She put her cover on her typewriter and left to go to the police station. She walked with a fast pace before bumping into Davey.

"Kath, you okay? You look stressed."

"Umm not really. Have you seen Jack in the last hour?"

"No. I've not seen him since we were at the circulation gates this morning, why?"

"I've been sent to the station to get information on and report of a boy who's been taken in. I'm worried it could be him. I know he's changed his ways but there's nothing stopping him getting into a fight or something."

"Well I'll keep and eye out for him. And let's pray whoever is in there is okay." He said squeezing her shoulder. "Good luck." She sighed again and left.

"Thanks Davey." She went swiftly to the station and headed into the front office.

"How can I help you miss?" The man behind the desk said.

"Hello, I'm Katherine Plumber of The Sun newspaper and I'm here to gather information on the boy, aged around 16-20, who's recently been taken in." She said showing her ID card, proving her as a reporter.

"Of course Miss. Here is the information folder. If you wish to see him let me know." He said going back to work after passing a folder to her. "Just to let you know there was a journalist from The World also on the same story."

"Thank you." She said taking the folder and heading over to the seating area. She opened it an immediately started to cry. There was a mug shot staring right at her of Jack, her Jack. She stared at it a while, black eye had already formed and she could see a busted lip. Before she read anything she decided she wanted to hear it directly from him. "Can I please go talk to Mr Kelly?" She stuttered.

"Of course Miss Plumber." He stood up and lead her down the row of empty cells to one at the end. Sat inside was Jack, with pencil and paper in his hands, drawing. She could tell it was of her. "Mr Kelly. You have another reporter to talk to you. This is Miss Plum..." he started.

"ACE!" He screamed jumping up and running to the door of metal bars. "What are you doing here?"

"I was sent by my boss." She sighed. "I'm going to take notes because I have to provide notes every time I hand in a report but I want you to tell the story just like you'd tell me normally." She said softly. She turned to the officer. "Can I please be alone with him?" The officer nodded.

"You have 20 minutes." He said sternly.

"Thank you officer." Once he was out of sight Katherine put down her stuff and reached through the bars to him. "Oh Jack." She said her voice breaking. "I don't want to know what happened yet. I just want to tell you that I love you so much. This doesn't change anything my love."

"Thanks Kath. And I want you to know I don't deserve to be here. I did absolutely nothing."

"I trust you love." She rested her hand on his chest and he took it and kissed her knuckles. She then went and picked up her stuff and turned to a blank page. "Okay. So tell me what happened to you."

"So I was working at Miss Medda Larkins theatre. I was finishing off a backdrop I'd painted for her upcoming show, 'That's Rich'. She gave me the money for the work I'd done. I walked out the back door of the theatre and came face to face with Mr William Kelly. My father."

"Oh J." She said seeing where this was going.

"I turned to walk away from him and he shouted at me. 'Get back here you street rat.' I told him that I wasn't going to get involved and kept walking. Once around the corner I got my wallet out so I could go buy food for the evening, and he came and stole it out of my hands. In my face he counted the money I had in there. All that was in there was today's newspaper money as well as the money from Miss Larkin. He took all the paper cash out and waved it in my face. 'How'd you get all this?' He screamed. I answered truthfully and told him I'd been working. He then punched me across the jaw telling me I was lying. I told him again what I'd done to earn the money and he punched me across the eye and also attacked my ribs causing me to fall to the ground in agony. He bent over my body saying 'well wherever you stole it from it's mine now.' The cops then came over and I reached for my wallet back because that was worth far more to me than the cash in his hands. He punched my arm out the way shouting to the cops saying I was trying to steal his wallet. The two coppers were quite young, no more than 30, likely around 25 years old. I tried to get up and instead they handcuffed me, took the wallet from my father and took us both to the station. He told the two officers his name was John Smith. The wallet and cash have been locked in a safe in the office."

"Oh Jack. Is there anything in it to prove it's yours?"

"Yes. That's where I really need you Ace. The key, my card stating I work for the world as a cartoonist, and a drawing of you I keep in there. We are both going into a public questioning tomorrow morning at 8. I need you to come, bring your key, some of my drawings of you, and also bring my certificate of residence. That's at the lodge. It shows that I live there under their homeless system and has all of my ID information. I also need Miss Medda Larkin there and"  He took a deep breath. "Your father. I need you to talk to him, tell him everything I've told you, and we can hope together that he stands on our side. The officers don't know that it was my father."

"Miss Plumber, 2 minutes." An officer called.

"Okay I will. I can't believe this has happened to you J. And I'll do all I can to get you out of here tomorrow morning. I love you Jack Kelly. And I'm going to miss you so much. I'll tell Davey and Crutchie what's happened and make sure they keep it quiet and tell the boys you're with me tonight."

"Okay. Thank you Kath. I know together we will be okay."

"As I've always said. I'm there, right by your side." She put her pencil and notepad away and took his hand from though the bars. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." He whispered. "I know it's not ideal though bars, but can I kiss you?"

"Of course my love." She said holding his hands tightly and kissing him on the lips as best as she could. "I should get doing."

"Ace. Take this." He said passing her the picture.

"No, keep it, to remind you of me. And also to show that the drawing you did in this cell is similar to the one you have in your wallet. May be good proof."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow at 8. I love you Ace. I'm glad they sent you over anyone else."

"Me too. And I love you so much more Jack. I'll be thinking of you tonight. Try and get some rest so you feel ready for tomorrow. Bye." She grabbed her things and sadly left his cell before the officers came to collect her.

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