Chapter 1

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0300 January 1 2021


You could hear nothing the clock chiming three times and the crows cawing through the night sky. Out of the silent night sky BAM! My dorm door smashed open with such deliberate force that the hinges were knocked right of the door.

It was Erica Hale. She strolled right into the room and grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into her room. She locked the door behind her and threw the deadbolt in for good measure. She motioned me to sit down. I looked carefully and sat down. Knowing Erica you can't let your guard down. Then I heard a giggle. I spun around and faced Erica. "What are you giggling about?". "Oh just sit down, there is nothing there." she replied with a signature Erica Hale tone. I could tell that she was trying not to laugh. I was stuck between asking her again or sit down without saying anything. I chose the latter. I sat down. After, I asked, "Why am I here?"

"Croaton is back. I need your help."

Her tone surprised me. It was desperation. "What's wrong?" "Croaton. Captured..." she trailed off, tears rolling down her eyes. "Who?" I asked. "Cyrus, Mom, and Dad." My mouth hung open. "How. But. Why. When..." I stuttered. I couldn't even form sentences. How did they capture them. They were the most talented spies I knew. Besides Erica, of course. "Will you help?" desperation in Erica's icy blue eyes. What came through my mouth surprised me, "Maybe." Erica's head dipped slowly then she collapsed. I scurried over to her. A sedition dart was on the back of her head.  I looked around trying to see where the person was. I saw a hydraulic gun pointing at the back of where Erica's neck was. I thought maybe it was a trick, she learned how to up her immune system. I carefully took down the gun and smashed it. I looked at the dart and it said Clonazepam. 

Wait WHAT! I moved Erica's limp body into my room so the others don't see the throw pillows and cat posters in her room. I quickly called for Mike, Chip, and Jawa. They rocketed over to my room. Jawa looked at the dart and called the Professors.  They stood in shock and quickly went to work. A crowd appeared outside the door to see the commotion.  One of the professors quickly called the guards to keep everyone from coming in. Some people with white lab coats rolled in a stretcher. While people with hazmat suits took out the sedition dart and put it in a clear plastic bag. The people with the lab coats rolled Erica out of the room and into the infirmary wing.

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