Chapter 4

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January 7, 2021 3500


I felt like every bone of my body was aching and my chest was burning. I tried to open my eyes but they were swollen shut. I tried to move my bones felt like fire. I decided to sleep for a few hours. 

Once I woke up. My eyes were better. I opened them a teeny bit. Light flooded into my eyes. There were doctors and nurses looming over me. I made a small, "Hi," and they just started to go all over me. Checking my eyes and my wounds saying how I feel.

"I'm okay." I said warily.

"Okay, I am setting your discharge date in about three days." one of the doctors replied.

They hooked me up to a monitor and some IV fluids and walked away.

"Wait!" I exclaimed so suddenly that a doctor slipped and fell onto the ground

"What?" the doctor that slipped asked. Getting on his feet.

"How is Erica?" I asked.

"She was discharged a few days ago." he replied as he and the other doctors and nurses left.


Finally! I thought. Three days of workouts and water. I was finally out. When I walked out the hospital building. I was bombarded by students peppering me with question. My guards that was assigned to me by the CIA was all around me saving me from being trampled. I walked over to the main school building where more students were lined up to meet me. I walked through the doors and I walked towards my classroom. I stopped. I turned around and headed towards the dorm building. It was a big place and had good facilities seeing that it is being renovated and an added buildings.

I walked up the steps and walked to Erica's dorm. I opened the door and closed the door quickly. The traps triggered but I quickly dodged them. The guards that were guarding me closed down the hallway and guarded the door. 

"Erica?" I asked

"Yeah?" I turned around and saw Erica reading a book on the sofa. How did she do that? I thought to myself.

"We have a mission to do." I replied.

"Yeah, okay." she replied not looking up from her book.

"Pack your things. We are going." I said curtly, not appreciating her attitude.

"Fine. Okay. You can go now." she said sharply.

"Fine I will go. But what did I do wrong. This is what I get after a few bullet holes and a stab. Just for you to be safe?" I burst.

She looked at me with great discomfort. "Can you go!" she exclaimed.

"I am not moving until you tell me." I shot. 

"Then I will make you." she shot back. She sprung from her sofa and threw deadly kicks at me. I blocked them with surgical precision. I had gotten better after the years went by. I yelled, "Elite Alpha Team! Get in here!"

The guards came in with their guns raised. Erica launched herself at them. But they quickly overpowered her seeing that they were 'Elite' and there were more of them then her. They pushed her down onto the ground and handcuffed her and footcuffed her. 

I watched as they lead her away with rage and sadness boiling inside me.

Erica POV

I was thinking about Ben when Ben came into my room. The traps instantly were triggered but were no match for him. I pretended I was reading the whole time on my sofa when he started talking.

"Erica?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I answered without looking up from my book.

"We have a mission to do." he replied.

"Yeah, okay." I said trying not to look at him.

"Pack your things. We are going." he said curtly. Probably annoyed. I thought.

"Fine. Okay. You can go now." I said sharply.

"Fine I will go. But what did I do wrong. This is what I get after a few bullet holes and a stab. Just for you to be safe?" he suddenly burst that I had to put down my book. I felt a knot twist in my heart. I couldn't hurt him again. Not again. I remembered what Zoe said to me.

 "Can you go!" I shot back.

"I am not moving until you tell me." he shot.

"Then I will make you." I snapped. She sprung from her sofa and threw deadly kicks at me. I blocked them with surgical precision. He definitely had gotten better after the years went by. He yelled, "Elite Alpha Team! Get in here!"

Guards came in the room with their guns raised. I launched myself at them. But they quickly overpowered me. They pushed me down onto the ground and handcuffed me and foot-cuffed me. They pulled me up to my feet and made me walk out of the room. I looked at Ben who had rage and sadness mixed in his eyes. I quickly looked forward and walked away without another word.

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