chapter eleven

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Excellent news.

Ava's POV

Several months passed since Riley and I moved from New York to L.A., my career had slowed down because of a new virus that has hit the country and struck fear in the hearts of people everywhere. I watched as the world around slowly become paranoid and being distant from others including my loved ones put a strain on my relationship with them. Riley started staying with his bandmates until the pandemic slowed down but we still talked almost every night which brings me to this very moment, a moment that would change everything between us. I had woken early feeling nausea one morning which led me to buy a small test kit after visiting the hospital and getting results from them. I immediately sent a text to Riley with a picture of the test sent with it.

Ava: where do we go from here?

I begun to think of what Riley would say, even imagining us breaking up because of his career being of importance or how his parents would react once learning of us becoming parents and we weren't married to each other. My only hope was that our  future would keep going the way we planned.

As the night rolled on and I still haven't heard a word from Riley. I tried not to stress out but his silence was making me want to cry. I didn't know things would turn out once we spoke to each other which would be sooner than I had expected.

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