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- never gets jealous

- he loves you and he trusts you

- doesn't care at all if you talk to guys

- he knows you'll be loyal



- get jealous pretty easily

- only because he's insecure

- he thinks you're going to leave him because you're too good for him

- you keep reminding him that he's enough but he's still insecure

Jacob T. 


- gets extremely jealous every single time a guy looks at you

- you could be in the middle of a conversation with a guy and he'll walk up and start making out with you

- glares at every single guy near you

- he wants everyone to now that you're his

- he will also leave a lot of hickeys on your neck so people know you're taken

Jacob B. 


- he doesn't like it when guys talk to you

- he doesn't want them to do anything bad to you

- it's not that he doesn't trust you

- he just doesn't trust anyone else

- he won't even let you be alone with Derek or any of your other guy friends

- he's just way to worried something will happen to you



- rarely gets jealous

- he trusts you

- he also knows you wouldn't be with guys you didn't feel comfortable with

- he knows nothing will happen

- he only gets mad when a random guy starts checking you out

- he'll start kissing you and won't stop until the guy gets the message 



- he doesn't ever really get jealous

- he trusts you

- and he knows that if some guy ever did something to you Alan, Red, and Smitty would beat them up

- he knows you wouldn't ever do anything so he doesn't see the need to get jealous

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