Snow Day

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- he loves spending snow days with you

- the two of you don't really go outside during them

- you always build a huge blanket fort and have a movie marathon

- and a lot of junk food

- you both end of falling asleep and missing half of the movie


- snow days are his favorite

- you and the losers always have a huge snowball fight

- Bill always teams up with you so you guys can destroy everyone else

- Eddie's mom yelled at you for an hour because of how much snow you threw at him

- you and Bill didn't listen and pelted Eddie with snow again the next day

- and then blamed it on Richie

Jacob T. 

- he complains all day

- he thinks it's too cold to be outside 

- so instead of playing with you in the snow like you wanted, you stayed inside all day and had a movie marathon

- you were just happy that he wasn't glued to his phone

Jacob B. 

- he will spend the whole day outside

- he loves throwing snow at you (always ends in a huge snowball fight)

- you make snow angels together and try to make the snow angles hold hands

- it never works though

- he will stay outside until his hands go numb because he loves the snow so much


- he loves snow days

- he always takes you and Mia ice skating

- he thought you didn't know how to skate so he was going to teach you

- you were even better than him 

- Mia laughed at him when she saw how shocked he was


- he loves to build snowman with you

- you turned it into a competition and had Alan be the judge

- obviously you won (Alan would always say you won no matter what cause he likes you better than Peter)

- Red accidentally knocked your snowman down

- Peter went off on him

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