Jacob Barber ~ I'm Sorry

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this chapter was requested by @qwer_rewq

trigger warning bullying and self harm

Jacob's pov

"You've gotta be kidding me!" I said while looking at my parents in disbelief.

My mom walked over and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Just because you and y/n don't exactly get along, doesn't mean we're going to avoid our friends. They've invited us for dinner, and you're coming. End of discussion."

"So just because you're friends with her parents, means I have to be there? She bullies me. Everyday. Please don't make me go!"

My dad looked up at me in surprise. "Y/n? Bullying? She's an angel. If you're going to make up a lie, at least make it believable."


"End of discussion," my mom said while glaring at me,"now hurry up, you're gonna be late for school."

I sighed as I picked up my backpack and walked out of the house. I decided to walk near the park, hoping to avoid y/n on the way to school. Of course she probably knew I would walk this way, because she was standing ahead of me, waiting.

"Hey loser! Trynna avoid me today?" she said as she started to walk next to me.

I decided to say nothing, hoping she's ignore me. But instead, she grabbed my chin and turned me to look at her.

"Fucking look at me when I'm talking!"

"Sorry," I said quietly while hoping she wouldn't punch me again.

Slowly she let go of me and we continued walking.

"So your parents are coming over tonight. Are you coming with them?"

"Yeah, they're making me."

"Ugh, that's just great. Now I have to see you after school too."

Before I could say anything else, she stormed off ahead of me. I let out a sigh of relief when she was out of sight. This was going to be a long day.

after school

I did my best to avoid y/n all day. I had been doing a pretty good job at it too. I ever stayed a little later after school in an attempt to avoid her. But yet again, she had the same idea.

About five minutes away from school, our paths met as we walked home. Of course she had to live one street over, making it virtually impossible to avoid seeing her while walking to and from school.

"Hey loser! Did you miss me today? Didn't see you around," she said as she started walking next to me.

"No," I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I said no!"

"Ouch. That was a little harsh."

I quickened my walking pace and finally ditched her when I turned on my street. I got to my house and opened the door, dropping my backpack next to it. I didn't say anything to my parents, I just ran up to my room to savor my last few moments of peace before I had to spend time with the devil.

Today was weird though. Usually she's way worse. Maybe someone finally put her into place. I laughed to myself, imagining y/n finally getting what she deserved.

"Jacob, we're leaving in five!" my mom yelled up at me.

I quickly stood up and made sure I looked decent enough for society, before running down the stairs. This is going to be hell.

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