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"Uh- I can explain"

"Oh you better explain" Rias says with her arms crossed

I explain everything and the group of girls calms down.

"Ara ara~Well isn't someone nice." Akeno says with a slight agitated.

"Yeah I'm nice" I laugh

"U-uh so anyways aren't we going somewhere today Rias"

"Oh right we are going to get your familiars today"

"What's a familiar" I ask

"Familiars monsters and supernatural beings who have been magically bound to a Devil as a servant or ally." Rias states

"Oh cool"

We teleport to the Familiar forest and some man greets us and tells us to go and find out what our familiar is. Asia find her familiar first.

 Asia find her familiar first

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"His name will be Rassei"

"Aw" they all say. I begin to walk off on my own to search for my familiar.

"Hm here familiar familiar come to y/n" I laugh. All of a sudden I hear a bush rustling. 'Wait that worked!?' I yell in my head.

"Who interrupts my slumber!" I loud voice announced

   "Who interrupts my slumber!" I loud voice announced

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"Oh shit" I say looking up to the creature

"State your name an business human"

"Uh I'm a devil actually and I am here to search for a familiar. Would you like to be mine" I ask

"Well if you prove to me that you are indeed worthy I will accept this proposal"

"Hm alright" I say as he kneels down

"Place your hand upon my head and pour your energy into me" he states

"Uh ok and how do I do that exactly" I laugh.

"Just imagine yourself fighting a powerful enemy in your best state" he says.

"Ok" I say doing so. He immediately backs up after 20 seconds

"I-ive never seen such power in such a small demon. Very well you shall be my master" he states

Highschool DxD X Female (futanari) readerWhere stories live. Discover now