Chapter 4

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Wave Chill said he has a story 

Once upon a time a long time ago my great grandparents founded this land and decided to build a camp then strange things began to happen . Then one night a tree had crashed on their cabin then a trail of glitter crystals appeared then a spirit she had hair like the branches of a tree , raged teeth and evens that were pitch blank with green pupils anywhere she went she left a trail of gem dust  .My great grandparents asked who she was and what did she want ,she told them that she was Gaea everfree   an ancient spirit you held domain of the forest and that my great grandparents were traspasing on her land . They begged her to let them stay and build their camp . Gaea Everfree then agreed and said that she would come back one day and reclaim the land to be hers once again .  

So if you see a trail of gem dust  you will that it was Gaea Everfree said Wave Chill.

Then from behind wave green eyes appeared and then everyone screamed .


Hey guys sorry did not mean to scare you said Gloriosa .

Then why did you come out of the bushes asked Blaze .

I took the scenic route cause the forest at night but don't do it without a guide , alright everybody time to head to your tents  said Gloriosa .

Hey Gloriosa do you have extra toothbrushes , I forgot mine asked Snips .

And do you have flashlights I am scared of the dark said Snails . 

Of course , I got this said Gloriosa .

AHH, UGH , UHH Soarin, said Ray .

Sorry Ray , I guess that story got to me said Soarin . 

Why it can't be real said Misty Fly .

I don't know Gaea Everfree could be some being from Equestria who ended up in this world , that's what happened with sirens said Rainbow Dash .

It sounded more like something Wave made up to scare us said Misty Fly and Surprise nodded in agreement while eating marshmallows . 

Well at least I hope it was , last thing I want to have camp ruined by power fraise magical creature said Misty Fly 

Here Here we had to deal with enough fair share of those , the Fall Formal , the Battle of the bands , the friendship games ,ohh I mean everything turned out alright of course said Fleetfoot .

I am kinda tired I'm gonna head said Spitfire .

Maybe layoffs bringing up what happened at the friendship games I think she's still pretty sensitive about it said Blaze as Surprise ate her last marshmallow .

Are lips are said Surprise as she literally sealed her lips with the stickiness of the marshmallow .

The Next Morning ~~~~

In Spitfire's Dream 

Here I am  went a voice 

Over here went the voice as Spitfire looked around . 

I'm always here went the voice which was Midnight Fire . 

Back to reality ~~

NOO! screamed Spitfire 

What Happened asked Blaze . 

Nothing , sorry Blaze said Spitfire .

Blaze rubbed her eyes .

Um Spitfire something happened said Blaze .

Spitfire's bed was floating in the air with an orange aura . 

Legend of Everfree (Equestria Girls  Wonderbolts crossover )Where stories live. Discover now