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❝I can't take it anymore

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I can't take it anymore.

Kevin almost emptied the bottle of martini that he had. Juyeon couldn't do anything but to stare at his friend who can't even lift his head from being too dizzy.

"I should have gave him a much smaller bottle earlier," Juyeon breathed out as he wiped the countertop where Kevin is resting his arms and his head.



"Fuck me," Kevin slurred.

Juyeon sighed before shaking his head. "Just sleep there. I'll be out in a few minutes."

"Then I will just finish this bottle."

Kevin lifted his head up and forced his eyes to open in order to see clearly. He was struggling to get the bottle because his vision shows him that there are two bottles of martini in front of him.

"Juyeon, which of these two bottles is the martini?" he asks Juyeon.

"What two bottles do you mean? There is only one bottle in front of you."

"Holy shit, Juyeon! You haven't told me that you have a twin!"

"What? A twin?"

"You two look really look the same, holy shit."

"Geez, Kevin," Juyeon breathed out as he poured the remaining alcohol on Kevin's glass and handed it to him. "There, that's enough for tonight."

Kevin finished his glass once again in one shot and he groaned at the burning sensation that filled his throat that is caused by the alcohol. He then rested his head again on the countertop with his eyes closed.

Dongju came out from the crowd on the dance floor and sat down on the stool beside Kevin. He tapped his hand by the countertop, earning Juyeon's attention.

"Three shots of rum," he tells Juyeon before looking behind him. "Jacob hyung! Get your ass here!"

Juyeon followed the younger's gaze and he saw both Hyunjae and Seoho dragging Jacob towards the bar countertop with Dongmyeong on the lead.

"You idiot!" Dongmyeong said as he smacked the back of Dongju's head. "You should have ordered four shots of rum!"

Dongju returned the smack on Dongmyeong's forehead. "Moron! Don't get too hard on Jacob hyung!"

"Guys, seriously, I really don't want to drink," Jacob said after seeing the three shots of rum on the bar countertop in front of Dongju.

"Take one shot and you'll be fine," Seoho tells Jacob before handing him one shot glass of rum.

Jacob whined but still drank the alcohol. He coughed a few times after the alcohol hit his throat, leaving a burning sensation.

"You want more?" Seoho asks Jacob. "There are two shots left."

"No, one shot is enough-"

"Don't be a party pooper," Hyunjae groaned as he grabbed another shot glass of rum from the countertop. Jacob could only bit his tongue because he literally can't do anything as he was held by Hyunjae and Seoho.

"Such a good boy," Hyunjae laughed after Jacob finished his second shot. "Let's go back to the dance floor!"

"Oh God, what did I even do to be treated like this?" Jacob blurted out while being dragged back again on the dance floor.

Dongju shook his head as he remained on his seat, watching the four boys getting back to the dance floor. There is only one shot of rum left, so he decided to just finish it.

Kevin slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by Dongju's presence. He smirked and lifted his head up, staring at the latter with tired eyes.

"Dongju!" Kevin called out. "Are you also following me here?"

Dongju's gaze fell on Kevin and it made him scoff. "Who said I'm following you?" he asked him. "I am here to celebrate my birthday along with Dongmyeong."

"Oh, really? Happy birthday!" Kevin then bit his lip. "Let me get you a drink then."

Dongju slightly chuckled at Kevin's sudden offer. "Hmm, alright. I'll say yes because it's my birthday today."

Kevin smiled a bit and turned to the bar countertop, but Juyeon was nowhere to be found. Kevin let out an exasperated sigh before calling another bartender.


"Another drink?" Youngjo asks Kevin.

"For him," Kevin responded as he pointed to Dongju.

Youngjo turned to Dongju and asked what he wanted for a drink. After talking to Youngjo for a while, Dongju immediately buried his head in between his arms and laid them on the bar countertop.

"Wait, Youngjo," Kevin calls the elder. "Just hand me his drink and I'll give it to him," he told him.

"Will do," Youngjo said with a smile before he left to get Dongju's drink.

Kevin slid his right hand inside his jacket and felt a small bottle on one of his pockets. Nitroglycerin tablets are inside the small bottle. Kevin secretly took out two tablets before closing his fist, hiding the tablets on his hand.

Youngjo came back with an empty glass and a bottle of dark rum.

"He got a bottle of dark rum," Youngjo tells Kevin as he placed the glass and the bottle on the countertop. "Is it fine for you to pay for this drink? I mean, this one is you know, costing a bit."

Kevin scoffed. "I know he got that rum on purpose because he wanted to piss me off by paying for that drink. But just as I have said to him, I'll pay for it, don't worry," he tells Youngjo even if he is in the state of drunkenness.

"I'll just tell Juyeon then," Youngjo said with a shrug. "It was nice meeting you tonight, Kevin. I'll see you again some other time," he said one last time before leaving Dongju and Kevin alone on the countertop.

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