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❝I just can't watch anymore

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I just can't watch anymore.

Kevin glanced at Dongju beside him and he saw the younger burying his head in between his arms. He then looked around and saw that no one is paying attention on the side where him and Dongju are seated.

He stared at the bottle of rum for a while, keeping his vision stable. He then proceeded to open the bottle of rum and filled the empty glass in half. After that, he dropped the nitroglycerin capsule on the alcohol that is on the glass. He waited for a while until the capsule finally dissolved on the alcohol.

"Dongju," Kevin called out, loud enough for the younger to hear.

Dongju lifted his head and looked at Kevin with tired eyes. "Oh, the drink is already there," he exclaimed. "Why did you not tell me?"

Kevin only looked at the younger while holding the glass of rum. He was battling with his own thoughts if he should give the glass to Dongju or not.

'If he'll finish the glass, he would feel dizziness because of the sudden change on his blood pressure. His heartbeat would beat rapidly, then he will collapse on the ground after a few minutes. After that, he'll be dead because of a heart attack.'

But then, Kevin had another thought.

'Tonight is not the right time. You better get him secretly. Just spare him on his birthday today.'

Kevin shook his head and passed the bottle of rum to Dongju while still holding the glass that he filled.

"Make sure you finish that bottle. Tell Dongmyeong I greeted him a happy birthday," Kevin tells the younger before leaving him alone on the bar countertop.

With a glass on his hand, he went on the dance floor to find some people whom he'll give the glass of rum. He found a girl dancing alone on the dance floor, literally drowned on alcohol.

"Hey, beautiful," he whispered on her ear. "Want some drink?"

The girl turned around and faced Kevin with a smile on her lips. "Oh, what a beautiful man you are. What do you got there?"

"Just a glass that is filled with dark rum," Kevin responded with a shrug. "I wanted to give this to you."

"How sweet of you, but I guess I'm too drunk to have another drink."

Kevin leaned closer to her, leveling his lips on her left ear. "I'd be sad if you will reject my drink," he whispered.

The girl playfully rolled her eyes before taking the glass on Kevin's hand. "Fine, I don't want to see a beautiful man being sad tonight."

After that, she emptied the whole glass. Kevin was just watching her while biting his lower lip.

"How was it?" Kevin asks her.

"It tasted much better since a man like you gave it to me."

Hyunjae let out a groan before stopping at the middle of the stairs. He then leaned against the wall and started slamming the back of his head on the hard surface.

"Why did I even drink that much last night?" Hyunjae mumbled, still slamming his head on the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Seoho asked from the top of the stairs. "Get your ass up here because you still have to prepare for your photoshoot later."

Hyunjae looked up to Seoho with a scrunched up face, obviously looking in pain. "Why do you look so fine as if you haven't drank last night?"

"Aspirin is the key," Seoho tells him before winking. "Now, get your ass up here."

Hyunjae groaned again before proceeding to go up the stairs in a lazy manner. He wrapped an arm around Seoho's shoulders for support.

"Dude, you're so heavy," Seoho tells Hyunjae as he held him by the waist.

"I still wanted to sleep," Hyunjae mumbled with his eyes closed.

"Why didn't you even took an aspirin?"

"Because I am dumb."

Seoho rolled his eyes before opening the door of one of the dressing rooms. He then dropped Hyunjae on the couch by the corner.

"Jae, on the bar that we went last night," Seoho began. "Someone died there after we left."

Hyunjae opened his eyes and looked at Seoho with a confused face. "Like, on the bar? Literally inside the bar?" he asked.

"Yeah," Seoho responded. "It was a girl. I heard that she died because some kind of drug was mixed on her drink. I don't know if that girl did that on purpose."

"Or someone gave that drink to her with the drug on it," Hyunjae said. "Anyways, I didn't know that Seojin's dearest high school friend works there at the bar. I just knew last night," he abruptly said, changing the topic.

"Ah, Lee Juyeon," Seoho spoke. "Youngjo told me that Juyeon has been working there for almost seven months. He also said that Juyeon is really nice and hardworking."

"He is just faking," Hyunjae said before rolling his eyes.

Seoho let out a sigh and leaned on the wall with his arms crossed. He then looked at Hyunjae with a blank face.

"I think, we have to cut the tension between the two sides."

From across the room, Hyunjae snorted on the couch with his eyes closed, obviously stopping himself to laugh at Seoho's sudden remark.

"Y'all started the tension," Hyunjae spoke. "I wasn't really involved on y'all shits, but Dongju forced me. In short, I just added a fuel to the existing fire that y'all have built. Jacob represents as the water to the fire, but what can a little amount of water like him could do to put out the fire by himself? Literally nothing."

Seoho only kept silent. Hyunjae was right. There must have been no tension on both sides if none of them started it.

"We never knew what is the cause of Seojin and Kevin's break up, and I don't want to know anymore. They both ended their relationship in good terms. So, us, as their friends, we should also be in good terms," Hyunjae added. "I feel bad for Chanhee after Dongju smashed a glass on his head."

Guilt is the only thing that Seoho feels after Hyunjae spoke.

"Alright, let us talk to them without telling Seojin any single shit," Seoho finally said.

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