twenty six

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❝I'll be a bad guy for you

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I'll be a bad guy for you.

Juyeon let out a yawn before stretching his body while laying down on the couch of their living room. Changmin, who is seated beside the latter, smacked his hand against Juyeon's stomach.

"Ow," Juyeon winced as he rubbed his stomach.

"For how long do we have to wait for Kevin to get his ass home?" Chanhee asked out of annoyance.

"You only want his ass to come home?" Juyeon asks Chanhee.

"After his ass arrives here, it's gonna twerk in front of your face," Changmin added.

Juyeon got up from the couch and looked at his own butt. "Can my flat booty fight his? I think I'm gonna lose."

"I'm glad that you know some facts." Chanhee said before rolling his eyes.

Changmin only shook his head at the two boys. He then leaned on the couch as he stared blankly at the ceiling.

Juyeon's eyes suddenly landed on his phone when it suddenly rang on his hand. He looked at the caller ID with his eyebrows furrowed before sliding the answer button.


Changmin and Chanhee both exchanged looks before their eyes gaze landed in Juyeon.

"Are you with Kevin?"

"No," Juyeon responded while shaking his head lightly. "He left earlier this morning and he haven't been back until now."

"Look, I need you to contact him after this call as soon as possible. After you contact him, call me again. Do you get me?"

"Dude, are you demanding me to fucking do-"

"Just fucking do it, you prick!" Seoho screamed on the other line.

Juyeon immediately ended the call and proceeded to do what Seoho told him. After a few rings, Kevin picked up.

"Where are you?" Juyeon naturally asked. "You need to be home by now."

"Well, I think I can't make it."

"What?" Juyeon wondered. "Are you trying to say that- wait, Kevin? Damn it."

"Did he just hung up on you?" Chanhee asked out of disbelief.

"So strange," Changmin spoke. "Seoho called you, then there's Kevin being an ass. Everything is fucked up."

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