Chapter 2

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"No!" Marinette argued pushing her head further into her very soft, warm pillow.

"You don't have a choice, Marinette! Go!" Ordered Tikki.

"No!" Marinette cried once again covering her head with the plush blanket that lay on her bed.

It had been exactly thirty minutes since Marinette had got home from the last Akuma fight. She had collapsed onto her bed, exhausted and had barely managed to get some sleep before Tikki woke her up reminding her of tonight's patrol.

"Why won't you let me sleep?!"

"Come on Marinette. Chat's waiting for you." Tikki persuaded Marinette.

Thinking of Chat Noir alone on patrol, Marinette finally managed to get out of bed.

"Alright... Tikki, Spots on!"

With the familiar suit that hid Ladybug's true identity from everyone, she leapt off of her balcony swinging towards the Eiffel tower. Ladybug could see Chat seated on the top of the tower, legs dangling over the edge, waiting for her.

"Sorry. For being late." Ladybug panted taking a seat next to Chat.

"No worries, Bugaboo. I can see you're tired. Plagg's gonna kill me once I detransform. He was napping." Chat sighed.

"Plagg is a lot to take in." Ladybug whispered.

The first time Ladybug or rather, Marinette had met him, he had managed to Cataclysm the entire Eiffel tower and many other buildings. It was... Interesting to know that the little black cat had caused the disappearance of Atlantis, the leaning tower of Pisa and dinosaurs.

"That tomcat's really gotten himself stuck up in a tree this time." Ladybug muttered.

"What?" Asked Chat Noir.

"Oh, shoot! I said that aloud?" Ladybug asked.

"Yep. What was that again? I swear I heard you say 'tomcat' and 'tree'." Laughed Chat.

"Plagg's first words to me." She laughed.

"That tomcat's really gotten himself stuck up in a tree this time," Ladybug repeated giggling.

"Hey! That's not very nice. Did he say anything else?" Chat asked eager to know how much Plagg had embarrassed him.

"Oh. Something about you being the most irresponsible Miraculous owner he had ever had in his five thousand years of existence."

"What?! That little... little furball!"

And then, Ladybug lost it. She stumbled backwards in a fit of giggles. The only thing that was running through her head was how adorable Chat looked when he was flustered.

Her laughter died down when she realized what she had just thought about and straightened up to see Chat murmuring to himself about how bad Plagg smells.

"S-so? We should continue patrolling. I really miss my bed right now." Ladybug sighed standing up and stretching.

"Me too. You go right and I take the left?" Asked Chat.

"As always. Meet you back here in an hour." Ladybug said throwing her yoyo and watching it grab hold of a tree branch.

After a good hour of patrolling, Ladybug swung over Paris and made a turn towards the Eiffel tower and was soon joined by Chat Noir.

"All done?" He asked.

"Yep. No signs of Akumas or Akuma victims. Guess we're sleeping peacefully tonight." Ladybug yawned.

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