Chapter 14

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Marinette felt herself pass through some invisible barrier while colours flashed in front of her tightly closed eyelids. Her body tingled as waves of pure energy crashed onto her with such force that almost knocked Marinette down several times. She seemed to be lost in between the two dimensions for what seemed like hours but in reality, was only a few seconds.

Suddenly, the force that had been keeping her upright disappeared and Marinette tumbled forward. She landed on solid ground, her knees taking up the impact. Marinette sat there, eyes still closed and awaiting the pain of her injuries. She knew that the force of her momentum would bring sheer pain which would probably make her lose consciousness. But when she didn't feel the slightest of pain in her torso, Marinette opened her eyes and looked down at herself.

Her legs were covered with the familiar fabric of her pink leggings while her black jacket was rolled up to her elbows. Her white T-shirt clung to her frame as she fiddled around looking for any signs of injuries.

"Nothing..." She whispered roughly patting the side of her torso. She accidentally hit the side purse that she did not know she was carrying until she heard a muffled cry from the inside.

"Marinette?" Asked a tiny voice poking her head out of the bag.

"Tikki?! You're alright!" Cried Marinette hugging her kwami to her cheek.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Asked Tikki giggling as Marinette affectionately caressed Tikki with her cheek. 

"You were sick and Master Fu told me that it'll take you a few days to heal." Explained the bluenette kissing Tikki on her head. 

"Strange..." Said Tikki, deep in thought.

"Must have been a bad dream or something." Smiled Marinette taking a closer look at her surroundings for the first time. 

She was crouched behind some benches which looked oddly familiar to the benches she had at school. Strangely, there was a bookshelf with all of the school textbooks behind her. Marinette turned around and stared into the tall glass that stood to the side of the room. Marinette peeked out from her hiding spot but was met with an empty room leading out to an equally empty hallway.

Marinette got up from her place on the floor which she assumed had been her hiding spot. She looked around and true to her suspicions, it was her classroom at Françoise Dupont High School. Marinette had no idea how she had ended up on the floor at the back of her classroom but she decided not to question it further.

She slowly climbed down the steps and walked into the hallway. Marinette concluded that school must have ended for the day which would explain all the empty seats and classrooms. But she was proved wrong when the school bell rang giving way for all the students in the locker room to file into their respective classes. Marinette was pushed around by the children flooding into her class. Two people, in particular, made sure that Marinette would end up on the ground before she even had the chance to move.

And as expected, Marinette did end up on the ground. She looked up to two people snickering down at her before heading inside.

"Lila and Chloé..." Sighed Marinette getting up and dusting her pants.

She felt someone push past her and was greeted with Alya's retreating figure. A wave of relief washed over Marinette as she remembered the state she had been in, all bound up and unconscious. Marinette was about to go after her best friend when she felt someone push her towards the wall. Marinette groaned as her shoulder hit the wall. She looked up and recognised Nino's T-shirt right away. He seemed to have mistakenly bumped into Marinette but hadn't turned around to see if she were okay. And the guy he was fist-bumping was...

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