Part 6

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(Author: I- what made me think writing nsfw for the first time was a good idea 👁👄👁 I have sinned 100x times before if my mom found out I can't write no more 🤧🔫 either way I don't know if this will be short or nah I have school until the weekends so ye ye)
(Don't get me wrong I still have no idea what I'm doing lol, put i if you want to get me some advice I will take it :))

No ones pov

Vixen came in jojo's mouth and pulled out leaving jojo to cough up the cum in his mouth. Vixen look jojo dead in the eyes and looked away. Jojo was coughing and he swore he was gonna kill vixen. "Cough, what the fuck!" jojo coughed while looking at vixen with red eyes "Why would you do that?Not even my consent!" Jojo was rambling and scolding vixen. "Now thanks to you I can't clean up my space I have to clean myself for days to get your smell off of me!" Jojo screamed. Did Vixen see it coming? Yes. Yes he did, but he didn't even care. "It was worth it jojo" he said but jojo wasn't having any of it "you...YOU THINK THAT WAS WORTH IT?! JUST WAIT WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" Jojo was angry and vixen was just standing there. "There's a reason why I broke up with you..." jojo said while catching his breath ".....I don't want you to show your face to me ever" jojo said when he backed away from vixen and slammed the door behind him. What was vixen doing now? Well he knew he fucked up again.

Vixen's pov

"Ah..." was the sound vixen made while bending down. Wow did vixen feel bad? Probably not,why? Cause it's jojo and jojo is jojo. Vixen fixed his pants and decided to walk to his space. What was vixen's space? The kitchen. Vixen walked in and saw some cake on the counter and looked back and forth to see if anyone was there, when there wasn't vixen devoured the cake and fell asleep on the table.

(Author: i don't know if I moved too fast? Oop I realized I wasn't putting "I" in the pov 😂)

Ayden's pov

Ayden was coming back from watching Virgo and hinata as lem's wish. Ayden was hungry so she went to the kitchen to grab a snack. Ayden noticed vixen sleeping, well more of dangling off the counter. She poked him three or more times until he woke up. "Vixen..vixen wake up!" Vixen wouldn't wake up so ayden left for a second and came back with a pan. That's right vixen was smacked with a pan on the back of his head. Vixen's eyes shot opened while screaming "OWW!" "What the hell.." vixen fell on the floor unconscious with blood rolling down his forehead. "I-" was all Ayden said "well that didn't work..sorry vixen but you can't sleep here" Ayden said to vixen when vixen was unconscious. Ayden dragged vixen by his legs with this blood leaving a trail with them. Ayden finally reached one of the bedroom's and basically three vixen body on the bed.

"hah..why are you so heavy?" Ayden said while she wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Now for that first aid kit" Ayden walked out the room and went looking for the first aid kit.

Gio's pov

Hinata was waiting for jojo to get out the bathroom so he can wash up. "Jojo can you hurry up!" He whined. "NO!" jojo yelled from the other side. Hinata was getting whinny "why-" "oh hi auntie" gio just waved at hinata but was confused why he was waiting outside the bathroom, but then she heard a noise. "...." gio entered the bathroom through the wall "oh my god...what the?!" Gio checked if jojo was alright, but jojo was washing out his mouth repeatedly.

Some time later

All gio could say was oh. "That's sucks..but you know that's just how vixen is" jojo didn't care "no it's not he knows that was rape-" "he didn't put it in your you know" Gio cut off jojo and signaled what she was talking about and jojo blushed, but that all remove "it was still RAPE and he didn't even ask for my body feels violated" jojo groans.

Gio didn't know what to do so she asked "did he tell you why he did that?" Jojo shakes his head "maybe if you talk to him-" "I could never do that! I already told him to show himself in front of me again" jojo said in a quick breath. Gio was thinking what do to so she disappeared for a little "wow how cool of you gio" jojo rolled his eyes.

Gio was zooming through the house looking for vixen but she came in contact with kip. "Shit-oh wait he can't see me" she flashed kip a worried glance before going back to looking for someone. "Wait.. is kip heading towards kuroo's room?" Gio thought and followed him.

(Author:before gio entered they already discussed and that's going to be in part 7..)

"Kippy~! You made it" Lem said with happiness and hugged kip. "Alright alright let's get this over with" kuroo said cracking his knuckles and got in a stance. "You might want to step back, I don't want you to get hurt~" Lem slurred and kip blushed stepping back. "You ready bro?" Lem smiled "whenever you are" kuroo grinned.

Gio knew what was gonna so she left. "I still need to find them..." Gio searched all over the place and was she tried that she couldn't find either of them.

Virgo's pov

"Hinata did you take your bath?" Hinata shooked his head "jojo was in there so I couldn't" hinata whined and Virgo ruffled his hair "don't worry about it lil bro you know jojo" Virgo smiled and hinata looked at his older sister and smiled back. "virgo" Virgo looked at hinata and saw his face, so she looked in his direction and saw blood on the floor. Her eyes widened and she immediately covered his eyes. "I bet mom's snake was hunting" she reassured him and walked hinata back to the bedroom. "VIRGOOO!" Virgo got startled by hearing her name so she turned around and saw Gio "auntie?!" Before Virgo got to ask her question of why Gio was yelling out her name, they teleported back to jojo's room.

Jojo was cleaning like crazy cause he was stressed out. Gio and Virgo teleported right behind him. "Jojo I got Virgo! She can help" jojo made his eyes stare at Virgo and he averted his eyes away from her. "Jojo?" Virgo asked carefully "what happened to your face..." Virgo unconsciously caressed jojo's cheek and jojo wanted to melt into the touch but he didn't do he pushed her away and said "....nothing" Virgo refused to believe that and asked again "what happened to you?" Jojo didn't want to answer so he kept his mouth shut. "Imma just go..." and gio disappeared leaving the two alone in the room. "Jojo..." "no" jojo cut off virgo and turned around. "Now's not the time to be stubborn jojo" Virgo said with all seriousness, but jojo didn't back down so he changed the subject "did you take a shower before coming in here?" "Stop trying to change the-" Virgo tried to say "no! You know my rules before coming in my room" jojo was disappointed and Virgo looked down cause she knew she was gonna get scolded.

"Get out.." Virgo didn't hear what jojo said so jojo got mad and pushed the girl out of his room. Slammed it and lock it in her face. A tear went down Virgo's cheek and scolded herself knowing that she pressed too far, but she knows she was being to sensitive. Virgo didn't move away from the door and slid down and sat in front of the door "I'm not gonna leave until you talk to me..." and with that Virgo was drifting into sleep.

(Author: yay :) I finished part 6 I tried to make it long as possible and a lil bit of drama. Sorry for the autocorrect and grammar mistakes in the story lol)

1385 words

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