Chapter 11

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            Dusk had begun to turn into a chilly evening when Maisri and Thomas re-entered Ouilethoms. They parted ways to go and prepare for that night's Nollaig celebrations. The walk back had been light-hearted and fun. Maisri found herself beginning to enjoy Thomas's company- despite the kiss and the lingering doubts about his reasons, or lack thereof, for being here.

As she entered her cold cell, she was surprised to see a beautiful green dress lying on her cot. There was a small note attached to it which read; Maisri, father's orders- wear the dress. You are to join us at the High Table tonight for the feast. Love, Grace.

She eyed the dress wearily. Maisri didn't do dresses. They were far too flowy and got in the way of movement, plus, you couldn't hide a dagger in a dress. The rebellious part of her goaded her to pull on her usual black attire and sit with her unit. She could almost see her father face turning red at the thought! The urge to push her father's buttons almost won out until there was a knock at the door.

Swiftly she padded across the worn floorboards, opened the door, only to be shocked at who she found. There, before her, were Grace and Rhea already changed into similar dresses of their own, their hair and faces made up, ready to go. "Where have you been?!" Rhea said sulkily. "We have been waiting on you coming back for ages."

"Why are you..." Maisri started but Rhea had already pushed past her into her cell, making herself at home on Maisri's cot.

"We are here to help you get ready, if you want?" Grace replied softly, her eyes crinkling kindly.

"You've never done so before," Maisri stated boldly. She couldn't help but look at both of her sisters. They both looked striking. Grace's straight brown hair had been tied neatly into a loose bun on top of her head. Loose curls had already escaped from it however it only added to her beauty. Rhea... was well... Rhea. Her blonde hair was in a strategically messy plait. Small, white winter flowers had been carefully threaded through her hair, making her look like a nature goddess.

"Well, Rhea and I were both worried about you," Grace's eyes falling to Maisri's side, before continuing, "Plus, Father is very adamant in his instructions this year, so we wanted to make sure you complied."

Maisri smirked. Obviously, her rebellious streak was being noted. With a nod to Rhea who clapped excitedly, the two girls got to work.


Just like every year, the Mór had been decked out with beautiful decorations. There was a roaring fire in the middle of the hall, a grand fir tree in the corner and the tables had been pushed back to make room for a dance floor. A group of older men and women were settled in a corner of the room, striking up instruments for the music that was sure to come later. Unlike the everyday, men and women weren't separated by seating arrangements. Tonight, they were able to sit with their families and enjoy the festivities.

Grace, Rhea and Maisri entered the Mór to find it packed with people. Despite her best intentions she found herself scanning the crowd for a particular face.

"There you are Mais!" came an excited voice from behind her.

She twirled round, cursing the dress, to find Fergus beaming at her. "You look beautiful," he smiled at her, and she felt her powdered cheeks turn red at the compliment. This was an unusual reaction. She was used to his flirting, and usually dealt with it with a sarcastic comment or arm punch, but for some reason she couldn't find it within her tonight. She blamed the dress.

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