Chapter 10

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Maisri slept soundly for the rest of the night. Or so she assumed, because when her eyes re-opened, the sky was bright, and her fire had been extinguished. A soft blue hue filled her room. She looked to the window and saw a light snow drifting down through the trees. She took a moment to snuggle into her warm fur blanket. She could live for these moments.

Then her eyes fell to the worn wooden floor. What looked like dried blood trailed from the door to her cot. As if reminding her, her side twinged in slight pain. She lifted her head softly and saw Thomas still sitting on the floor next to her bed.

Cocking her head, she looked at him. He must have been incredibly uncomfortable with his back leaning against the cold metal frame of the cot and naught but his clothes to keep him warm. She thought back to their interaction from the night before and unintentionally a smile slipped onto her face.

And then it fell off.

What was she doing? He was her responsibility. He was a transfer. A transfer she didn't even know if they could trust. An unsettling sensation broiled in her gut. Why was Thomas here? It wasn't like Zone 2 needed more raiders. There was no immediate cause or need for a transfer.

She eyed his strong facial features; his high cheek bones, straight nose, thick dark eyelashes which she knew framed the greenest eyes she had ever seen. A warm feeling spread through her, but then her mind circled back to her previous thoughts and ay warmth she had been feeling was extinguished. The questions returned.

She groaned under her breath.

Thomas must have heard her because the dark lashes began to flutter open- the two emeralds emerging and meeting her gaze blearily. And then something happened which she didn't expect. He smiled.

Maisri could swear her heart stopped for a moment. It lit up his whole face, making his green eyes twinkle innocently.

"Morning princess."

Her heart rate immediately returned to normal as her eyes narrowed into a glare. She really hated that nickname. Thomas just smirked in return, his eyes glinting mischievously. He was totally aware of how much she hated the name and the reaction he got every time made it worthwhile.

"What time is it?" Maisri asked groggily, hissing through her teeth as she tried to sit up.

Thomas immediately kneeled next to her. Any sign of tiredness fled him. She was hurt... because of him. Guilt flooded through his body as he looked at her pain filled face. Carefully he lifted her hands away from her wound, trying to ignore the sparks that had ignited at their touch. Trying to not cause her any more pain, he peeled away her top which had become wet with blood during the night.

He noticed her jaw clenching tightly in pain as he continued to move the fabric of her top up to expose her abdomen. "Your bandage needs cleaned." He stated breathing through his nose angrily as shame filled him. "Can you sit up for me princess?" he asked, trying not to meet her eyes.

She nodded, and slowly shifted her body into a sitting position. The fact that she managed to do this without letting out any sound of pain impressed him and his already strong impression of her only swelled.

Gently, he peeled away the bandages to expose the wound. He was staggered. The wound had almost healed over already but was still leaking some blood.

"How...?" He trailed off, feeling confused.

She grimaced. "It's just another effect of the uisge-beatha," she said shaking her head. "It should be fully healed in a day or so..." She wasn't going to tell him anything else.

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