Please don't Go!!

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Hey guys I am back with a new one shot on rikara. exams are finished.

So lets begin....


The usual celebration after the exhibition came to an abrupt end the moment Omkara's phone rang. Expecting nothing but a call from priyanka or Jahnvi,he answered without checking the caller ID and his heart instantly stopped.
Rudra shot him a questioning look,trying to figure out what was happening without any words but the shock that was coursing through his veins made it hard to concentrate anything.

"Hello,is this Mr.Oberoi?" An unfamiliar voice spoke on the other end, his heart rate rising with each passing second.

"Yes, that's me." His voice was extremely shaky as he responded. For some reason Omkara had a bad feeling about this call. Some shuffling came through the call and it almost felt like he was holding his breath for whatever was coming next.

"Gauri Sharma was admitted to seven hills hospital earlier this evening and you are the first person on her emergency contact list. She's currently being taken care of and her injuries are not life threatening but if you're able to come around,it would be appreciated." The ladies spoke kindly as if everything was okay, but his world stopped moving.

Gauri was in hospital.

Immediately, Omkara raked his brain in hopes of coming up with a solution on how to get home. The exhibition tonight was in Tokyo so it wasn't extremely far away not the nearest but far enough for his heart to break even further because it would be a few hours until he was at her side.

Some of Gauri's last words to him before he left for the exhibition echoed in Omkara's mind.

Please don't Go.

Her eyes were full of sadness as she tried to hold onto their last moments together before they were separated for months. It was as if Gauri knew something exactly like this would have happened.

Tears began pooling in Omkara's eyes, a few slipping down his cheeks as he nervously ran a hand through his hair. His lungs were desperately grabbing for air to take a proper breath and he tried to piece together words to speak again.

"T-thank you. I'll be there soon." Omkara stuttered, still trying to believe what was happening.

The one question he wanted to ask rang through his mind and he knew he had to get an answer even if he didn't want to know. Noticing his hands were shaking terribly and then entire teams eyes were glued onto him, he took a deep breath.

"What-what are her injuries from?" The question fell from Omkara's lips and Rudra shot him an extremely worried look hearing his words.

" The doctors assessed her, ran multiple scans and tests but they declared her injuries are from domestic violence issue. She will be okey." Her response knocked all the wind out of Omkara and he tried to choke back a sob.

His heart shattered into a million pieces at the realisation of what most likely happened.

Gauri has been in a relationship for just about a year now but to say that it was going smoothly, was a lie. She and Ajay had fights constantly due to the fact that his temper was uncontrollable and he would often come after her or yell strings of threats.

It always ended with her at Omkara's doorstep, puffy eyes from endless crying and she would hug him tightly in an attempt to keep herself together.

Omkara and Gauri have been friends for as long as they could remember. Gauri moved to mumbai in middle school and she was assigned the empty seat next to Omkara which led to an amazing friendship being born and lifetime of giggles following them through the years.

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