Love me Please

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Hi everyone!!
I am back with a new os.
I hope you'll like it.

Outlook: Gauri and Omkara are in a living relationship. And live in their own Mansion.

Request: Please Guys if you can then do hear the song Yeah Tune Kya Kiya by Javed Bashir, while reading this os from any of the music app.
Because I got the idea of this shot from that song only. You'll easily be able to relate it.


"Hey Omkara." Gauri whispered, cautiously entering their shared room.

Omkara's been different. He doesn't talk to Gauri as much nor does he show any affection towards her.

Gauri knows he would want some time for himself but it's been almost 2 months since this was going on. It isn't really normal anymore.

Gauri is scared. She is scared that maybe  Omkara is board. Maybe he is distancing himself because he is about to break up with her any minute.

Different kind of thoughts were going in her mind.

He could break up with me now. I am not ready for that. I'll never be ready for that. I love him so much that I don't think I'll be able to survive without him.
I know I am not supposed to do this but I have became dependent on him.

Gauri knows it's stupid but Omkara has made her dependent on him. It was as if, if he disappeared she wouldn't be able to go on. She loves him.

"Omkara." Gauri whispered once again seeing him in bed.

"Yes?" Omkara asked her Emotionless.

She took a deep breath thinking of something worth enough to say to him.

"I-I.......n-nothing. I'm sorry." She whispered slowly making her way to the bed and laid down on her side next to him.

"You are always like that." He scoffed, rolling his eyes and turning away from her as if he hates her.

Maybe he does. Maybe he does hate me. Does he? I don't know anymore.

Omkara has Gauri's heart and he can either heal it from all the pain she is in right now or break it even more.

It's not fair because I am in so much pain but he doesn't even seem to be affected by any of this in anyway. He doesn't seem affected of the fact that we are drifting apart that maybe we would break up.

I don't want that but it's like he couldn't even care if that happened. But there's something that scares me as much as him leaving me.

him cheating on me.

He could be doing this right now I don't know. He acts so different so uninterested. So bored.

When Gauri was sure Omkara was asleep she started to Whisper everything she felt.

She did this every night when he is asleep because she is scared that maybe if she tells him all of this when he is awake, it will be the cause for them to really breakup.

It almost happened once she can't risk that again.


"Om why are you being so distant? We are not the way we used to be." Gauri argued back, making Omkara more pissed by the minute.

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