Ultimate moves

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"Today we will be working on creating ultimate moves" aizawa says "go get dressed then meet at the training place" he says and we all nod before getting up and going and getting changed and we soon get to the gym "damn this place is big" I say as I come in "everyone go and work on making ultimate moves, we will come around and guide you as you all continue" aizawa says and he comes up to me "you been practicing your sword techniques" he says "yes I have" I say "good let's go have a sparing match really quick then" he says and I nod, we go over to the area and I pull out my katana "that's a nice blade" he says "I had momo make this one, I'm planning on forging my own in the future if I can find a blacksmith" I say and he nods "I would say first to five hits but I don't want to lose an arm so how about whoever gets the other into submission" he says and I nod and I get in a fighting position I wait for his move and he suddenly lunges forward and try's to land a blow but I block the sword and push him back before he runs forward and goes to jab at my side but I parry the blade and before he could pull the sword back up I had the sword to his neck "good job" he says "you're doing well, now for your ultimate move I want you to look into creating your own style of sword combat" he says and I think for a second "ok I think I've got an idea" I say "thank you for the help sir" I say "no problem kid" he says as he pats me on the head "I'm going to go check on the others" he says and I nod "damn I should have brought that robot with me" I say quietly 'so my own style of sword combat' I think 'what if instead of waiting for my opponent to make the first move I make the first move, jumping into battle like a raging wolf' I think "perfect" I say quietly 'to start stay low' I think and I crouch down some 'be ready to defend but also attack, and before the opponent has time to think about a attack pattern lunge in and strike' i get up suddenly and run forward striking at the air from the side before acting like I'm blocking and I continue thinking of different moves that would match and go with the flow of what I started with and soon I have a decent amount of it done and I continue practicing before aizawa comes up "so how is it going" he asks "surprisingly good" I say "so what are you calling it" he asks "wolf stance" I reply "how original" he says looking at me "I'm not that creative ok" I say "anyways let's spar again and see how your doing" he says "sure" I say and I get in position he gets in position and I sit for a second before I lunge in and strike at his side which he barely blocks and then I quickly get behind him putting the sword to his neck "going for the neck, just like a wolf" he says "it looks good to me, but you could still use some practice" he says as I feel myself being poked in the side by his blade "try disarming your opponent or staggering them or you could easily be stabbed without you noticing" he says and I nod and let him go "keep working on it, your improving well" he says and i nod and continue working out different moves. Soon the class ends and we head back to the dorms I go up to my dorm and I go in and sit down on the bed and after a little bit I get a text asking me to come over to the school, I walk over to the school to see aizawa and allmight "thank you shota" allmight says as aizawa walks away "now midorya, have you attempted to use one for all yet" he asks "no sir" I say "ok that's probably a good idea, werewolves are naturally strong and from what I hear from aizawa your a special kind so you may be even stronger" he says "but you should try to get yourself stronger with every passing day because you won't be able to use it's full power at once or it will destroy your arms" he says and I nod "come walk with me for awhile" he says "alright sure" I say and I walk with him and after awhile we end up at a beech that's completely trashed "this is takoba municipal beech park" he says "this beech once was beautiful but ocean tides took a bunch of trash to this beech so other people started dumping trash here" I look at him "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you want me to clean it" I say "exactly" he says "it can be a good training exercise" I look at the beech "hell If I put off enough time to do this I could have this done in about a month or two" I say "I may have some trouble with the heavier stuff but some of the lighter stuff I could do easily" I say and he looks at me "well get too it" he says "we'll throw in some small training exercises to help you learn how to use one for all as well" he says and I nod before I start working and after about an hour and cleaning up a lot of the smaller things like tires and plastic and a few big things including a fridge I start to head back to the dorms with allmight "you made great progress for your first day" he says "you'll have the beech cleaned in no time if you keep at it" he says "I still have to practice my sword techniques" I say "so my day isn't over yet" allmight looks at me "do you mind me asking a question midoriya" he asks "go ahead" I say "what is your drive" he asks and I look at him a little confused "what do you mean" I ask "like what's your motive for becoming a hero" he asks and I look down and stop walking "no one will feel the pain I went through" I say "I will not allow it, I'll protect people and I won't let them hurt like I have" I say "I could have easily gone into therapy after I got out but this is therapy to me, training to protect everyone around me and many more at all cost" I say and all might looks at me before putting his hand on my head "I'm glad you have the heart of a true hero" he says and I smile before we continue walking and soon we get back to the dorms and I go and start to spar with the robot.

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