La nouvelle armée de Napoléon

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(I promised a second chapter this week and here it is.Enjoy)

"The new day starts perfectly, so that nobody would suspect the events, that are about to follow..."

After the fantastic breakfast the facility residents followed their daily activities. Some of them just hang out in the living room or their own dorms, some of them go to sleep and a few went to check out the new training grounds, the tournament arena with a few rocks and training bots added. Shortly before Lunch would have been served a loud and shrill siren starts to howl and Miss Headmaster exclaims through the speakers, that security has been breached from outside and that every inhabitant should quickly gather in the living room and wait for further instruction. Before any other instruction can be heard the electricity goes out and the only light sources are the emergency lights. Those are really dim lights, so only certain facility residents can see well.

Deku arrives in the living room without any disruption and counts his Fellow friends, recognising that he is luckily the last to arrive. Most of them are absorbed in chatter as Miss Headmaster arrives bruised and with burn marks on the sleeves of her lab coat. She informs them about the situation:

"A group weaponed and with rather strong quirks appeared and is now fighting my assistants and employees. My quirk isn't really suited for fights, that's why I am here. Furthermore I arrived to allow Deku fighting incase the invaders comes here. The rest of you retire to your room, you can watch the fight on your laptops. We will use Discord to communicate since our phones will probably be spied on. Please meet on the server already installed"

Most of the commanded are already motivated by fear, so they are happy to follow the instructions, the less terrified have their doubts about leaving, but they are convinced by the faith Miss Headmaster has in Deku and by their desire to see the mysterious boy's power.

Deku, the boy in question now leans against the doorframe leading from the corridor into the living room, fully accepting Miss Headmaster's request.Soon enough he hears the marching footsteps of the invaders, he shows himself and takes a few steps into their direction. The group comes to a standstill, and a really old man in a wheelchair gets pushed to the front.

Aoyama, recognising the man, shouts out: "Oh no. It's them!"

The old guy starts to introduce himself and his group: "Who dares standing in our way! We are the worldwide known french terrororganisation: La nouvelle armée de Napoléon (Napoleons new Army) and I am Admiral Louis-Anton Vieux. Our first goal is to take back our laser weapon and then to create a french world guided by the code civil."Deku responds with an voice the other inhabitants haven't heard yet, since he usually uses a voice changer in his mask: I am sorry, but your arrival has no foundation anymore, since Aoyama doesn't want to leave. Please do not try to use force, since I would be required to kill all of you then."

The old man only laugh, yells:" Men, shoot him!" and transforms his arm into hot, fluid cheese that wraps around Deku and forms a giant ball, while the Admiral's men prepare there gun and shoot holes through Deku. After a few rounds the men stop and laugh about the madness of this one boy that tried to handle them on his own. They laugh until some of the cheese becomes black and emits a really dark and thick smoke. The smoke soon covers up the entire view, until it lightens up, revealing a lot of dead bodies with bullet holes in their forehead and Deku, still standing at the same place, quickly regenerating the burns and the holes he got, before he says: "I think it was Brie"

(651 words)

(Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter, the next one will hopefully be released Sunday. As always thank you for your attention, please write anything you want, I will respond asap.)

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